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Sunday, 16 December 2012

The best features of Windows 8 and major differences between Windows 7 and Windows 8


The installation process of Windows 8 is similar to that of Windows 7 Operating System in procedure and design. There is however a major difference you will notice as you are closing in to the end of the installation – you will be able to personalize the way your OS looks.

User Interface gets a facelift

If you are expecting the same staid interface that has become a trademark of previous Microsoft then you better be prepared for a pleasant surprise. The almost trademark desktop screen has been buried and in its place is an all new Metro User Interface that is more attractive. The desk top comes alive with rectangular tiles, each of which represents an application. You can manage these tiles to make your desktop more organized. For instance you can club together tiles representing a single genre. The navigation is much quicker. The tiles are not just a shortcut to the application rather they are designed to show information as well; such as fresh RSS feed will show up on the tile.

Improved speed

Windows 8 has done away with the slow booting syndrome! Its booting time is an impressive 30 seconds. However, the most amazing feature perhaps is its quick shutdown. Even with a number of applications running the Windows take just 10 seconds to shut down. Windows 8 has definitely reached the league of Mac OS X Lion, Apple's iOS and Linux.

Much more secure

Well Microsoft has never been able to match the security offered by either OS X Lion or Linux with its previous operating systems. With Windows 8, Microsoft has attempted to upgrade the security a couple of notches by upgrading the Windows Defender. In addition to the Defender, Windows 8 uses UEFI Secure boot system to ensure booting is done securely. 

Windows 8 designed for tablets

Microsoft developed Windows 8 primarily for Tablet PCs. It has in fact done an extraordinary job; the complete touch experience has been enhanced in the new OS. Take for example working with Windows 7 on the tool bar for selecting icons was pretty tedious. It is not so with Windows 8. The "fuzzy hit targeting" technology being used by Microsoft lets the gadget sense the icon your finger is trying to select. With the new feature working on touch screen devices is simplified.

Login options simplified

I have this to say about the Windows 8 Operating System – it is user friendly! A look at the login options shows how simplified a process it has become. You do not have to have a computerized brain to remember all the passwords you have created. Instead you can use an image to log in. All you need to do is pick an image you would want as your password and draw a symbol on it. When you need to login you will need to replicate the symbol on the image and you are done.

Latest Internet Explorer version pre-installed

You get the latest version of the Internet Explorer – the IE10! It is most definitely quicker than the IE9. It offers the user secure browsing. There may be a problem if you try to load sites that have a lot of flash; it would run a bit slow then.

Task Manager modified

The modifications in the new version stretch to the task master as well. You only see the application count after the setup. You are provided with a "More Details" tab which opens to the complete Task Manager when you click it. The Task Manager gives you details of all the functions on the computer running concurrently and these include, the CPU, the memory, hard drive and network connection being used by individual programs. You will also find an "Application History" tab, which provides history of applications that you use most frequently. The history provides data on the Network and CPU usage of each application. How can this data help anyone you might wonder? It is actually useful for laptop users when working on low battery. They know which programs to avoid based on their CPU and Network usage. 

Brilliant applications

If you are the kind who loves applications in your new gadgets, then Windows 8 is sure to impress you. The applications provided for testing have been impressive. I cannot wait for the complete set of applications to be released with the new OS. The Windows 8 apps are something to look forward too. 

Ribbon User Interface on Windows Explorer

Microsoft has reintroduced the Ribbon User Interface (UI) in Windows 8 swapping it with the conventional Windows Explorer UI. It was last seen in the MS Office editions of 2007 and 2010. It is a good thing Microsoft chose to restore the Ribbon UI in Windows 8 because renaming folders and files, modifying options and whole lot of other functions will be simplified.

File transfer simplified

You are going to love this particular feature. The latest version has a pause option that can be used when copying or transferring files. The process can be paused anytime and recommenced later. This gives the users more power and actually lets them be in control.

Major differences between Windows 8 and Windows 7

Here is a quick comparison between Windows 7 and the all new Windows 8. Read on to see how the new OS is better than its predecessor –

Quicker boot time

If you have worked with Windows 7 you know it does not boot really quick. Windows 8 is truly a surprise package! You will be amazed at how fast it boot. My laptops which I have had since 2009, took just 10 seconds to boot with Windows 8. Is that not incredible?

Automatic shut down of applications

With Windows 7 and all the previous editions of Windows you were required to decide whether you wanted an application running or wanted to close it. Too many applications running simultaneously slowed down the computer as the computer would run out on RAM. The advanced technology used in Windows 8 Operating System detects programs and applications that are open but have been idle for a considerable time and closes such applications so your computer's performance does not get adversely affected. The system has an auto-save feature installed which ensures the computer saves what you were working on before closing it. This feature is designed to guarantee your computer continues to work at it optimum speed.

ISO images easier to handle

One major improvement in the Windows 8 OS over the Windows 7 version is that it allows you to mount images. With Windows 7 you were restricted to only being able to burn an ISO image on a DVD, but the new OS you can make virtual drives and mount the ISO images and use them as you would use a DVD.

Integrated antivirus

There is an antivirus integrated within the kernel of the OS to protect your computer. It detects threats from corrupt USB devices that are plugged in and stalls the booting.

Task bar activation

The task bar can be activated by moving the cursor to the top right or bottom right corners of your screen. The task bar can be activated anytime; no matter what window is open on your screen. The task bar allows you access to the start page where all your applications are listed. It is like a one stop store where everything on your computer is available to you. You can also begin a search task using the bar.

Applications store and installation

Applications are now integrated with the OS. The good news is that most of the software that was available for Smartphones can now be downloaded directly into Windows 8. You will be able to browse and play your favorite games by selecting them on the desktop, without the need to go through the browser or visiting the website. The store is segregated into segments such as games, security, tools and so on. There are a number of free and paid applications available in each part.

Installation process of applications is absolutely straightforward. All you need to do is browse the application, pick what you want and click on the install tab. The application will get installed and will be available to you on the start page of your computer.

Enhanced social networking experience

Applications of most social networking sites such as Twitter and others can be downloaded and placed on the start page, enabling you to stay connected easily. You receive real time updates and can access your emails in one place.

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