The following tips can help improve your computer's performance and help make your computer run faster. The examples in this article are for Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP. However, these procedures work for all versions of the Windows operating system, with some slight variations from version to version.

These tasks use utilities provided within Windows, so you can run them—free of charge and as often as you’d like—to help you achieve the best system performance and to help improve computer speed.
Note: This article does not address or recommend tinkering with the registry files. Such activities can be detrimental to your computer and should only be attempted by properly trained professionals.
Clean up disk errors
Run once a week
Whenever a program crashes or you experience a power outage, your computer may create errors on its hard disk (sometimes referred to as a hard drive). Over time, the errors can result in a slow PC. Fortunately, the Windows operating system includes several PC tools, including a Check Disk program, to identify and clean any errors on your computer and to help keep it running smoothly.
Note: You must be logged on as an administrator to perform these steps. If you aren't logged on as an administrator, you can only change settings that apply to your user account.
Run Check Disk:
Windows 7 and Windows Vista users
Windows XP users
Remove temporary files
Run once a week
Your computer can pick up and store temporary files when you're looking at webpages and even when you're working on files in programs, such as Microsoft Word. Over time, these files slow your computer's performance. You can use the Windows Disk Cleanup tool to rid your computer of these unneeded files and to help your PC run faster.
Run Disk Cleanup:
Windows 7 users
Windows Vista users
Windows XP users
Optimize your data
Run once a week
As you add programs and files to your computer, it often breaks files side by side to increase the speed of access and retrieval. However, as files are updated, your computer saves these updates on the largest space available on the hard drive, often found far away from the other adjacent sectors of the file.
The result is a fragmented file. Fragmented files cause slower performance because your computer must now search for all of the file's parts. In other words, your computer knows where all the pieces are, but putting them back together in the correct order—when you need them—can slow your computer down.
Windows includes a Disk Defragmenter program to piece all your files back together again and to make them available to open more quickly.
Note: Windows 7 and Windows Vista are preconfigured to run Disk Defragmenter on a weekly basis. If you would like to run the tool manually or to adjust the schedule, click the section for your specific operating system.
Run Disk Defragmenter:
Windows 7 users
Windows Vista users
Windows XP users
Make Internet Explorer run faster
The Internet is everywhere—from the home to office to the classroom. We use it to communicate, to work, to play—and even occasionally to waste time.
Yet there's nothing more frustrating than having this technical marvel at our fingertips 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, only to wait while our computers access it at a crawling pace. Thankfully, Windows Internet Explorer provides some useful options for quicker web surfing.
Reduce the size of your webpage history
Internet Explorer stores visited webpages to your computer, organizing them within a page history by day. Although it's useful to keep a couple days of web history within your computer, there's no need to store more than a week's worth. Any more than that and the collected webpages can slow down your computer's performance.
Note: Depending on which version of Internet Explorer you're using, the steps outlined and images shown may vary slightly.
Reduce your webpage history
Don't save encrypted webpages
Encrypted webpages ask for user names and passwords. These pages scramble information to prevent the reading of sensitive information. You can configure Internet Explorer to not save these types of pages. You'll free up space by saving fewer files to your computer, in addition to keeping secure information off of your computer.
Change setting to not save encrypted webpages
If Internet Explorer is not as quick as you'd like it to be, check out the article Is Internet Explorer slow? 5 things to try for a few more tips specific to your browser.
Automate Windows Update
Configure once
Microsoft works constantly to release updates to Windows and other Microsoft products, including Microsoft Office. With Windows Update, you can find and install all these updates—not just the critical ones. Often, the updates can improve your computer's performance.
You can make life easier by automating Windows Update so that your computer downloads and installs all the updates without you having to worry about them.
Automate Windows Update:
Windows 7 users
Windows Vista users
Windows XP users
Remove spyware, and help protect your computer from viruses
Download once, and get automatic updates
While you're busy surfing the web, spyware and other types of malicious software (also known as malware) are collecting personal information about you, often without your knowledge. The result is that your personal information could possibly be compromised. At the same time, spyware and malware can slow down your computer. Download Microsoft Security Essentials for free to help guard your system in the future from viruses, spyware, adware, and other malware. Microsoft Security Essentials acts as a spyware removal tool and includes automatic updates to help keep your system running efficiently and to help protect it from emerging threats.
Note: For specific virus definitions and news, visit the Microsoft Malware Protection Center.
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