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Wednesday, 5 December 2012

How do I get the start button back in Windows 8?

Microsoft is committed to having everyone use the Start screen instead of the Start button found in previous versions of Windows and therefore has no setting to enable or disable the start button. However, there are a few things that can be done to mimic the Windows Start button. Try one or all of the below suggestions to see what works best for you.
Tip: If you're a power user looking for things such as the Command prompt, Computer management, Device Manager, Event Viewer, Control Panel, Windows Explorer, etc. try using the Power user shortcut key ( Windows key + X ) before trying any of the below suggestions.
Create a Windows Start Menu Toolbar
The Start Menu can be made into a toolbar, which will allow you access to all the programs you'd normally see in All Programs. To do this follow the below steps.
  1. Make sure show hidden files has been enabled.
  2. Right-click on the Taskbar and click Toolbars and then New toolbar.
  3. Browse to C:\Program Data\Microsoft\Windows and select Start Menu and choose Select Folder
Once the above steps have been completed you'll have a new Start Menu folder with all your programs in the Programs folder.
Install a third-party add-on
There are a few different third party tools that can be installed in Windows 8 that will help mimic the Start button and other features you may have enjoyed in previous versions of Windows. Below are our suggestions on what software tools to try.
  • ViStart 8 - A great free utility to get just the Start menu back almost identical to what was in Windows 7. Also includes the ability to skin and lots of other features.
  • Classic Shell - Another great free and open source software tool to add the start menu and many other previous Windows features to Windows 8.
  • Start 8 - Another great tool to add the start button to the Taskbar.

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