PDFCreator is an application for converting documents into Portable Document Format (PDF) format on Microsoft Windows operating systems. It works by creating a virtual printer that prints to PDF files, and thereby allows practically any application to create PDF files by choosing to print from within the application and then printing to the PDFCreator printer. PDFCreator is free, even for commercial use! It is Open Source and released under the Terms of the GNU General Public License.
PDFCreator 1.9.5 is now available in 10 languages. If your language is missing, you can help translating PDFCreator here.
Key Features:
- Create PDFs from any program that is able to print
- Security: Encrypt PDFs and protect them from being opened, printed etc.
- Send generated files via eMail
- Create more than just PDFs: PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, PS, EPS
- AutoSave files to folders and filenames based on Tags like Username, Computername, Date, Time etc.
- Merge multiple files into one PDF
- Easy Install: Just say what you want and everything is installed
- Terminal Server: PDFCreator also runs on Terminal Servers without problems
What's new in this version:
- More detailed manual on how to use the COM interface
- ActiveX interface for outlook
- Automated fixing for broken permissions in the spool folder
- New command line parameter /ManagePrintJobs to collect multiple print jobs even when using Auto-Save
- Let Auto-Save either overwrite existing files or ensure unique filenames
- Tokens in script action
- Set a title template (with tokens)
- Includes Ghostscript 9.14
Note: PDFCreator includes 3rd party (optional) software.
Download: PDFCreator 1.9.5 | 24.1 MB (Freeware)
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