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Saturday, 7 June 2014

Disable Active Content in Internet Explorer on Windows

Active Content on any web page includes ActiveX controls,, ActiveX scripts and JavaScript programs. If you want to disable Active Content in Internet Explorer on your Windows PC, then this post will show you how to do it.

Enable, Disable Active Content in Internet Explorer

disable active content internet explorer Disable Active Content in Internet Explorer on Windows
ActiveX can be looked upon as a collection of small programs, that provides most of the interactive content that you see on websites today. But like with most good things, this has potential for abuse. This is one reason why some may prefer to disable this content.

It may happen that times, you may be unable to load a some web page using Internet Explorer. One possible reason could be the active content that it contains. This is another reason some may want to disable active content in Internet Explorer and see if it helps.
To disable active content in Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8, open Internet Options. Under the Security tab, select Internet zone and click on Custom level.
In the windows which opens, disable Active Scripting. This will disable Microsoft JScript scripting as well as Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition.
Scroll down and you will see Scripting of Java applets. Disable it too.

Allow, Disallow Active Content

In Internet Options, under the Advanced tab, under the Security Settings, uncheck the Allow active content to run in files on My Computer. Click Apply and exit.
allow active content Disable Active Content in Internet Explorer on Windows
But note that if you do this, you are quite likely to very often see the Internet Explorer display the following notification at the bottom.
To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content. Allow blocked content.
Click Apply/OK and restart your Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Only secure content is displayed

only secure content is displayed Disable Active Content in Internet Explorer on Windows

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