Have you ever wondered, how it would feel if you say some magic words, like ‘Open Sesame‘ and a door opens for you? Well, not a door, but you can certainly search the information in Google search with a magical command! All you have to do is to open a new tab in Chrome, activate your computer’s mic and say ‘OK Google’. Google will listen to your next words (keywords to search) and bring the information you were searching for, in front of you.

This is no magic, but a new feature that is available in the stable version of Chrome 35. Google has published a blog about the Stable Channel Update for Chrome OS on May 20, 2014. In this blog, you will find details about other features of Chrome 35 along with this voice search feature. Google had a ‘voice search’ option even before; however, users needed to click the mic icon in the search window for that. But with OK Google, all you have to do is, click on the mic icon and sayEnable “OK Google”.
Now, once you have enabled ‘OK Google’, the command will be activated forever. And from that point onwards, you can search anything by simply opening a new tab, then say ‘OK Google’, followed by your query.
Google announced the news about ‘OK Google’ on May 22, 2014 in a Google+ post. In this post, Google asked all the “Chromies” to try this new voice search feature. Before that, Google had announced the OK Google feature for its ChromeBeta in February. In this announcement, Google had mentioned that the feature would work with Linux and Mac along with Windows.
Now, if you have the updated version of Google Chrome, then you can use this feature. Not only that, those having latest version of Chrome OS (Google’s browser-based operating system) can also use OK Google.
You can go to the Support page for more information on OK Google.
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