............ Have a nice day............
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Sunday, 25 May 2014

DuckDuckGo, the private search engine, brings in amazing features

DuckDuckGo, the one of its kind search engine, just got loaded with terrific features.  The search engine that does not believe in tracking users and storing their information has bought in major improvements in design and search tools.  This Tuesday, DuckDuckGo announced that it is launching a reimagined and redesigned version that focuses on smarter answers and a more refined look.
Similar to Google and Bing, DuckDuckGo now has answers to queries related to images, places, recipes and all of this without compromising anybody’s privacy. These enhancements are important for DuckDuckGo as it looks to compete the search engine giants Google and Bing with more alike features than never before.

Search Images, Videos, Places with DucKDuckGo


DuckDuckGo has added the most sought after features that include image search, video search, auto-suggest and places. Also the new design would provide a less cluttered search result page. Apart from that, photos and videos are now previewed in searches in the same way that Google Images are.
Another major improvement to be implemented by DuckDuckGo is the place search, for instance, if you want to search for Chinese food in London you get results with thumbnails of various restaurants with other details like the address and the phone number. On clicking on any one of them you get an OpenStreetMap showing the distance and nearby locations.

Get more out of your “Search”
Searches are just not limited to images, videos or places. Depending on the type of search, DuckDuckGo delivers the results. Like for a musical instrument such as Piano, DuckDuckGo returned with multiple results – Meanings, Images, Videos, Definition, Audio, Products.
Similarly, when you search for Miami beach, your search results are lesser compared to Piano.
In November 2012, the Washington Post said that the searches on DuckDuckGo totaled up to 45,000,000 per month in October 2012. Praising DuckDuckGo, the post stated
“Weinberg’s non-ambitious goals make him a particularly odd and dangerous competitor online. He can do almost everything that Google or Bing can’t because it could damage their business models, and if users figure out that they like the DuckDuckGo way better, Weinberg could damage the big boys without even really trying”.
With amazing updates, DuckDuckGo’s attempt to break into the main foray of search engines is seen with great interest

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