Dehydration is not necessarily to be always obvious and by the time you get thirsty, you are already dehydrated. A chronic form of dehydration which does not have the intense and sudden nature of the acute form is widespread in the present day and affects people who are not drinking enough liquid. This list of main symptoms will inspire you to go and down a glass of water and then another until you body is rehydrated.
Reduced urination
When you are sufficiently hydrated your urine seems to be a lighter yellow color, or straw, and you should urinate at least 5 times daily. If you do not drink enough water, your urine becomes dark yellow. You may go several hours, seven or more, without urinating. The lack of urine is a main sign of having no excess fluids to expel.
Urinary tract infections
If toxins contained in urine are insufficiently diluted, they damage your urinary mucous membranes causing cystitis and other urinary tract inflammation. Common symptoms such as burning pain while urinating, a strong and persistent urge to urinate often with little portions may occur.
Infrequent bowel movements are another sign of dehydration. In the very moment chewed food enters the colon, it contains too much liquid and allows stools to form properly, and the wall of the colon reduces it. Water lubricates your digestive tract to keep things moving smoothly. In chronic dehydration, the colon takes too much water to give to other parts of the body. The lack of fluids dries fecal masses, causing it to stick to the sides of your colon and become difficult to pass.
Dry mouth
If you do not drink water, the fluids that lubricate the mucus membrane do not replenish well. As a result you feel your mouth sticky and dry with little saliva production. When your body is properly hydrated, your mouth seems to be comfortably wet and saliva production should be adequate while eating.
Lack of Tears
One more symptom of not drinking proper amounts of water is no tears when you cry. If not drinking water, the liquids in your tear ducts won’t replenish as they should do. Staying hydrated allows tears to flow plentifully.

Dry Skin
There are women who spend hundreds on to-shelf skincare but ironically do not drink enough water, the first line defense for healthy and glowing skin. Because skin is the body’s largest organ, it is also the largest detoxification machine. In early stages of dehydration, your skin will become dry from lack of fluids to keep it moisturized. Evaporation and perspiration continually cleanse your skin by removing waste. Without adequate water, this waste builds up leading to acne, breakouts, and other skin problems. Poor hydration also means your body can produce less new collagen at the same time the existing collagen becomes brittle.
Joint pain
Cartilage protecting and cushioning your joints is composed of 79 percent water. Cartilage dehydration can cause it to deteriorate and result in arthritis and joint pain. This can also cause spinal pain since spinal discs, because you do not drink water, cannot support your vertebrae since they are composed primarily of water for shock absorption.
Adequate hydration keeps your body energized by providing it with what it needs for proper functioning. Without drinking enough water, you will become sleepy more often in the early stages of dehydration. In moderate cases, you might become lethargic and won’t feel the energy to move throughout the day. In severe cases, dehydration might result in coma and lethargy.
Extreme thirst and headaches
If you do not drink water, your body will become extremely thirsty in attempt to acquire hydration. If dehydration becomes severe, you may feel headaches ranging from minor to severe. The headaches can be accompanied by dizziness and lightheadedness.
You eat more during your meals
One study found eight ounces of water before each low-calorie meal led to greater fat loss compared to those who did not drink water before meal. Another study showed two glasses of water before each meal helped people lose an average of 15 pounds over three months. It was five pounds more than the non-water drinkers. Here is the deal. You should not drink too much water during meals, because it can dilute your stomach enzymes which break down protein. Drink up before your eat.
Difficulties in muscle maintenance and recovery
Muscle tissue is about 70% water. It explains why even 4% dehydration can reduce muscle strength up to 12%. Dehydration also leads to protein breakdown and shrinks muscle cells. Optimal hydration replenishes electrolytes and reduces inflammation related to workouts.
You are not detoxifying
Even if you are eating healthy diet and following a rigorous cleanse plan, dehydration means your body can’t fully detoxify. Water flushes waste from your cells, but when you are dehydrated your cells draw water from your blood, limiting your kidneys from purifying blood and stressing your heart. Liver and other organs are also under the pressure. Toxic buildup leads to above mentioned constipation and forces your body to hold on the waste it needs to eliminate.
Dehydration can raise stress hormones
Some experts believe dehydration is the number one cause of stress. Even mild dehydration of 2 – 4% can
raise levels of cortisol- your stress hormone. Among its well known jobs, cortisol stores fat around the midsection and breaks down muscle.
Dehydration can create fatigue
Too little water can crash your metabolism, decrease blood pressure and disrupt fluid balance. Your heart struggles to deliver oxygen and nutrients to different tissues. Mental fog, headaches, and lethargy are among the inevitable results.
You are constantly craving
Thirst can come disguised as hunger, leading you to the afternoon donuts your coworker brought in. Do you experience before bed cravings? Try this water trick: according to one study drinking eight ounces of water at bedtime can shut down your evening hunger pangs.
Premature aging
Newborn child’s body is composed of 85 percent liquid, but this percentage declines to no more than 69 percent in an adult and continues to decline with age.
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