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Sunday 9 June 2013

Stopping Facebook Notifications

There’s nothing quite like the exhilarating rush of logging onto Facebook and seeing that wonderful globe lit up red with a number next to it — no doubt to signal that a long lost ex-lover is reaching out to rekindle a romance that went by the wayside. As exciting as that is, the disappointment when you realize it’s just another Zynga Bingo request or a cry from somebody to add his or her birthday to your calendar is a complete buzz kill. Luckily, we can take some precautions in our privacy settings to stop Facebook notifications, ensuring a clear path for those lovers of old to enter our lives again.

What Are Facebook Notifications?

At the top left corner of Facebook are three icons representing friend requests, messages, and notifications.
facebook notifications
These particular items are known as red alert notifications and they help send a flag when people are interacting with your account. At the top of your web browser, you’ll also notice a number in parentheses, which indicates just how many unread notifications you have pending.

My first few months of using Facebook I just figured these numbers were random, one day I’d be logging on to Facebook (5) and the next it was Facebook (2). I’d simply go to my profile page to see who was bombarding me with requests to mend their sheep on their virtual farm. As it turns out, these red alert notifications are convenient to access from your news feed and particularly friend requests and instant messages I respond to immediately.
The problem that many people encounter is the notifications in the globe icon. It’s not necessarily a problem, just more of a nuisance to have to sift through requests from people to beat their score in “Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader” or to assist them in their Bubble Safari quest, especially when never in your life have you agreed to help them in any way! Many times these requests aren’t really personal as your friends think that you’d in fact be the one to be smarter than the fifth grader, they’re simply mass distributed to the entire friend list via the app. I’ve seen people engage their Caps Lock and take to their news feed but luckily there’s a better way to stop Facebook Notifications than typing “IF YOU KEEP SENDING ME GAME REQUESTS YOU WILL BE DELETED!!!CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED!!!”

How To Stop Facebook Notifications

You can stop Facebook notifications without threatening your friends via the news feed by accessing your privacy settings.
1. Log into Facebook and click on your name in the top right corner.
2. Go to Privacy Settings>Apps & Websites>Edit your settings and you can check a box next to the apps that you’d like to receive notifications from.
If you get notified via email every time a Castleville request comes your name, first off I feel for you and second change that immediately. You can go to facebook.com/edit account.php?
Then go to notifications and change “notify me via email” to off. If somehow an app still slips through the crack and lights up your globe, hover to the upper right hand corner of the notification and click the “X” which will then ask to confirm to block all activity from this app.
Some people like using Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends and view only the latest happenings on their newsfeed while others spend all day playing Zynga Bingo. Personally, I’ve been stuck watching my ex-girlfriend’s virtual farm on the weekends while she goes out meeting other dudes but hopefully learning how to stop Facebook notifications will lead to a more pleasant visit catered to your needs.

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