............ Have a nice day............
USER MENU ID IS UNDEFINED IN FINACLE MIS SERVER   Date of Implementation of "VERY GOOD" Bench Mark for MACPs effect from 25.07.2016   Expected DA from Jan 2017 – 3% or 2% ?    One minute talk time for each Rupee in Airtel Payments Bank   AICPIN for October 2016 : Chances for 5% DA from January 2017   Central Government employees retiring from January 2017 to submit online application   Pre-Budget Views of Govt. Employees for inclusion in the Budget for the Year 2017-18: Confederation i.e. Scrap NPS, Minimum Wage Rs. 26,000 & Fitment Formula etc   On Salary Week, Banks Unlikely to Meet Demand for Extra 1 Lakh Cr   82 per cent ATMs dry because government used that money to pay its own employees   National Anthem Before Movie, Rules Supreme Court. Citizens 'Duty-Bound' To Show Respect    undefined

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

SB order 11/2015: Acceptance of Valid documents for Age proof of Girl child for Opening of SSA

Acceptance Of Passport, Aadhar Card And PAN Card As A Valid Document For Age Proof Of Girl Child For Opening Of SSA

The undersigned is directed to say thai this office has received some complaints regarding non acceptance of Passport, Aadhar card and PAN card as a valid document for age proof of girl child for opening of Sukanya Samriddhi Account.

Error - The Withdrawal Amount Exceeds The Difference Between The Principal and Lien Amount during RD Close in DOP Finacle

An error is coming while RD Account Close like "The Withdrawal Amount Exceeds The Difference Between The Principal and Lien Amount". This error is due to Lien Mark of RD Account. We should first removing the Lien. The process of removing Lien is completed with HALM Command. The following process has to be completed before account close. 

  • Menu Shortcut - HALM
  • GO
  • The following screen will be appeared on main screen.

Account Freeze (HAFSM) in DOP Finacle

HAFSM is command is used for Account Freeze in case of Death / Pledge / Court Order. HAFSM stands for A/c Freeze status Maintenance 

  • Menu Shortcut - HAFSM > GO
  • The following screen appears

Some Changes Take Place in HSSI Menu in DOP Finacle

HSSI command is stands for Inquire on SOL Status. We can use HSSI command to check the SOL status while EOD activities performing. The modification in this command is described here and also brief the procedure of using this menu.


  • New Creation of  BOD Date, Closure Date Field
  • New Creation SOL Status Field
  • New Creation EOD Event Status Field


  • Menu Shortcut - HSSI
  • GO
  • The following Screen will be displayed

Point Of Sale in Core System Integrator (CSI) Project Deployed for Testing

The Department of Posts (DoP) and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) officially kicked-off the Core System Integrator (CSI) Project on 2nd of May 2013, as a part of the IT Modernization Project.

Core Systems Integration (CSI) will integrate all solutions implemented under the IT Modernization Project across different channels, levels and locations.

Now the CSI Project is under testing at selected Post Offices.  By the rolling out of this project, the entire local database based applications like Meghdoot and SpeedNet Software will be replaced with web based application developed by TCS.

Following are some details about new Point Of Sale module under CSI Project.

Monday, 28 September 2015

Find Misplace Tran ID of Account Transfer-IN (HACXFSOL) Transaction in DOP Finacle

HACXFSOL command is used to transfer one account from one SOL to Home SOL. We have mentioned detail of this command in our previous post. If you don't read this post don't worry, you can read from below link Sometime we forget the Tran ID or Tran ID is not appeared due to server connection error. Here Finacle solution is give remedy to find the Tran ID of Account Transfer-IN Transaction. 


  • HAFI command is used for this exercise.
  • Menu Shortcut - HAFI
  • GO
  • The following screen will be displayed.

Pending List of RD Account in DOP Finacle

HPLIST command is used to view pending installment of RD account. HPLIST command stands for "Pending Installment List". The following process is using to view the pending installment of RD Account.
  • Menu Shortcut - HPLIST
  • GO
  • The given screen will be appeared on main screen

Average Balance Inquiry in DOP Finacle

HABI stands for Average Balance Inquiry. This command breaks-up the accounts in months wise, Quarter wise, Half -Year wise, Year wise. The following process is being used to invoke this command.

  • Menu Shortcut - HABI
  • GO
  • The following screen will be displayed

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Inquire on General Details of Customer in DOP Finacle

It will be easy at counter that we inquire the all detail of CIF in one time. HCUDET command is used for it. HCUDET stands for "General Details of Customer". The procedure is given below to used this command.
  • Menu Shortcut - HCUDET
  • GO
  • The following screen will be displayed

Login Information Screen in DOP Finacle

In DOP Finacle version of 10.2.3, the login Information screen is available which provides login details of the DOP User. It clearly shows 
  1. The successful Loginout time of previous session with Client Machine IP.
  2. The unsuccessful login information with Client IP
  3. Account Expiry Date information also shown
Here it will also remind the remaining days to change password. detailed screen shown in below.

Deposit Transactions Report Summary in DOP Finacle

HDTRS stands for Deposit Transactions Report Summary. It is used for print or display all deposit transaction of any SOL. The process of using this command is described below.
  • Menu Shortcut - HDTRS
  • GO
  • The following screen will be displayed.

Bulk Certificate Discharge of NSC/KVP in DOP Finacle

Step by Step procedure for Bulk Discharge of NSC/KVP

This bulk discharge can be used only for MATURED NSC/KVP certificates. Maximum of 50 certificates will be closed at a single time. If a registration number contains more than 50 certificates, first 50 certificates will be closed and the balance to be closed by invoking the menu 2nd time. 

  • Registration number and CIF ID are mandatory for bulk discharge.
  • Discharged/ Closed Amount can be transferred to Repayment Account of Customer/Postmaster. 

Inspection Note for CBS Post Offices in DOP Finacle

  1. See reconciliation report provided by Infosys at the time of migration is available? Whether the copy of the same has been provided to SBCO and SPO? Examine exception report if any given by Infosys and suggest remedial action.
  2. See as to whether the manual records have been migrated to CBS application? If not make a note of it and take remedial action.
  3. Have all signatures migrated to CBS/Finacle application? See signatures of at least 10 accounts in Finacle/CBS application
  4. Talk to the concerned staff and see if any issue observed with the migrated data.

Friday, 25 September 2015

User Hook Error in SB Deposit / Withdrawal / Closure in DOP Finacle

The transactions in SB Account like Deposit, Withdrawal or Account Closure are not possible due to the following error message(s).

W0205 - Userhook error 

Root Cause of the above error:

The transaction of SB Account of the suspended CIF could not be done until Customer CIF becomes Active Mode.
DOP Finacle Solution
Customer Should be modified to Active Mode. i.e Unsuspend the suspended CIF
  • DOP Operator Invoke Finacle Menu called CMRC
  • Enter the Following details in Function window then press GO.

Guidelines to be followed in Photographs and Signatures of the Customer

DO's and DON'Ts in Opening of an Account

  1. Clear, recent passport-size Photograph of applicant should be pasted in the appropriate column.
  2. Separate photos of Applicants are required in Joint acounts.
  3. Photograph in AOF should not be stapled with.
  4. While CIF updation, any A/c No. belonging to CIF should be mentioned in the Form.
Signatures and Photographs should be properly pasted in the corresponding column

Thursday, 24 September 2015

7th Pay Commission likely to recommend up to 30% pay hike for Central government employees

New Delhi: In good news for the Central government employees, the Seventh Pay Commission is likely to recommend a substantial pay hike which could be up to 30% or even more, said sources on Thursday.
There will be
The Seventh Pay Commission’s recommendations will be implemented from January 1, 2016. The Department of Personnel and Training will examine the recommendations and consult the Finance Ministry on them.
Its term was extended by four months till December 31 to give its recommendations on revising emoluments for nearly 48 lakh central government employees and 55 lakh pensioners.

Roles & Responsibilities of various officials & officers on implementation of 'Core Insurance Solution' in POs

Loan Account Ledger View in DOP Finacle

HLACLI command is used for Loan Account Ledger View. This command stands for "Ledger Inquiry". 


  • Menu Shortcut - HLACLI
  • GO
  • The following screen will be displayed.

Complete Overview / Menus of SCSS in DOP Finacle


Same as MIS. Only the Sundry account number differs. SOL id ending with 0338.

OLD LEGDER: DOP Finacle Menu
TIPM – to view the old ledger of Sanchay post
NEW LEDGER : DOP Finacle Menu
HTDTRAN – To view all the transactions in that account in FINACLE.

Inquiry of All type of Inventory in Single Employee in DOP Finacle

HIIA command stands for "Inventory Inquiry All". Many time we have to require stock detail of office at the time of inspection. This command is used for this purpose. We inquire all Inventory of employee in single time. The process of using this command is given here.

  • Menu Shortcut - HIIA
  • GO
  • The following screen will be displayed.


No. 1/3/2015-E-II (B)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block New Delhi
Dated the 23rd September, 2015.

Subject: Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees - Revised Rates effective from 1.7.2015.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s Office Memorandum No. 1/2/2015-13-11 (B) dated rot" April, 2015 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Allowance payable to Central Government employees shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 113% to 119% with effect from 1st July, 2015.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Pay Commission to submit report soon

NEW DELHI: Seventh Pay Commission is ready with its recommendations on revising emoluments for nearly 48 lakh central government employees and 55 lakh pensioners, and will soon submit report to the finance ministry. 

Earlier in August, the government had extended Commission's term by another four months till December 31 to give recommendations. 

"The Commission is ready with recommendations and the report will be submitted soon," according to sources. 

Order for Merger of 50% DA, Retirement age news.

Recently rumour mill went overdrive in social media with the following news that
1. Central Government decided to merge 50% DA with basic pay with effect from 1.1.2015.  
2. It went on to say that age of Retirement will be on completion of 33 Years of service or at the age of 58 Years whichever is earlier.

Cheque Book Issue In DOP Finacle (HICHB)

HICHB command stands for "Issue Cheque Books". This command is used issue cheque book to SBCHQ account. The process of using this command is given below
  • Menu Shortcut - HICHB
  • GO
  • The following screen will be displayed.

Important Points to Keep in Mind While working in DOP Finacle

Following are some of the areas where the DOP user has to apply his mind. Please let us know if anything else needs to be added

  •  All closure screens – the reason for closure is critical as validations are built on to it.

  •   The Value date for closure is an important field especially for SCSS as we are default populating it to completed months date. The DOP user has to manually change the date if required.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Comparision between PMSBY and PMJJBY

The two social security schemes – Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) and Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) which were launched recently under Jan Suraksha Yojana has been overwhelming. The number of accounts opened under both these schemes has been over 5 crore. Although both these schemes are different yet simple to understand, there are few differences and similarities as displayed in the table below:

Pros and Cons of extending the term of 7th Pay Commission

Recently the central government announced the extension of term of 7th pay commission by four months till 31st December 2015. By the time there were news started coming about seventh Pay Commission that it would ask one month extension to submit the report, Unexpectedly the central government itself granted four month extension to 7th central pay commission in its Cabinet Meeting held on 26th August 2015
One day before the announcement made by central government on granting extension to the pay commission, according to PTI news report, Justice A.K.Mathur, Chairman, 7th Pay Commission, said that by the end of September 2015 the Pay commission report would be submitted to the government.
Why the central government granted four month extension when the commission itself if asked one month time?

Interest Amount not fetched in HTM in DOP Finacle

Before Going to take Interest Withdrawal from the concerned accounts, Invoke HTDTRAN then check whether interest posting for the quarter has happened on 30/06/2014 BOD. If the interest is paid to the SB account of the customer, it can not be withdrawn using the menu HTM.

DOP Finacle Menu Involved

HTDTRAN - to View the Interest Credit for particular Account.
HTM - Transaction maintenance used to withdrawal of interest amount

If interest is not posted for the particular account when we check the same in HTDTRAN Menu, it may due to problem with pending of account verification. Account Modification pending can be verified by using the DOP Finacle Menu. Interest of the customer account will automatically credited at the time of EOD to concerned Sundry Account / it will be transferred to Customer SB Account if any.