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Tuesday 8 July 2014

Not Big Cities, Small Towns Are The Hub of Cybercrime In India

Ever since, increase in crimes has been a spot of worrying for every country.  India has become a hub of crimes against women, children and the weaker sections of the society.  On the other hand, it’s astounding to know majority of cyber crimes are undertaking in rural areas.

According to a report published by National Crime Records Bureau on 16th June 2014 ‘Crime in India’ revealed that cyber crime has significantly increased 122.5 percent over 2012.

Amongst the cyber crime about 60 percent alone were hacking cases, and about 28 percent included the cases of offensive posts. Out of the 2516 cases of hacking, 1382 were reported from small towns and rural area.

Further studies over the concerned matter revealed that most of the cyber crimes are intended for economic forgery and sexual harassment. Karnataka with 429 cases is in the top of the cyber crime list followed by Andhra Pradesh with 346 cases.

Surprisingly Maharashtra was reported not to be involved in any hacking cases but leads the chart in crimes involving sexual motive.  In a data presented involving person arrested under IT Act by age group during 2013, Maharashtra counted for 426; Andhra Pradesh 296 and followed by Uttar Pradesh 283.

In 2013, around 2050 people were booked under the IT Act in India. “The rising trend of crimes is a worry factor for everyone. Crimes against women, children and the weaker sections of the society, are of great concern for all of us. Crime leaves dark scars in the society; therefore, we need to study the causes, patterns and nature of crimes, to find out the reasons and remedies. Such a study will help us to evolve measures and policy interventions to contain them,” said Anil Goswami, Home secretary, Government of India.

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