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Monday 7 July 2014

Top Security Best Practices For Mobile

mobile security small biz
A feel-good technology experience can quickly turn into a gruesome horror story the moment security is compromised. This is why BYOD concerns, data breaches and mobile security fears are top-of-mind issues for many business stakeholders these days. To help ease your mind, here are a few straightforward tips to keep your mobile small business technology safe at home and on the road.

Require screen locks and passcodes on mobile devices

Whether issued by the company or furnished by the employee, if it’s used for work, all mobile devices should have a screen lock and passcode requirement as a first line of defense.

Use the Find My Phone app

Want to see a normally calm adult lose it? Hide their phone from them. Few things wrack our nerves these days like a missing phone. The Find My Phone app can help you quickly locate and retrieve your mobile command center should it go astray. Use this service ASAP as it no longer works if the phone is powered off.

Remote lock and wipe

This essential feature is self-explanatory as it gives you the ability to lock access to unknown users from a remote location and wipes the mobile device clean of all existing data. Some users are hesitant to wipe the phone of data immediately in the event they find it, which brings up another great point below…

Back up your data consistently

If you back up regularly, you can wipe confidential data and stave off major breaches while maintaining confidence that you’ll be able to restore data if and when the device is recovered. Wiping data should also be an immediate security precaution, so be sure to remove lost data concerns by including regular backups in your small business technology security schedule. Storage solutions like Dropbox offer a simple way to save your information to the cloud for easy access from any web-enabled device.

Disable the auto-fill option

Sure, auto fill is convenient, but if your device ends up in the wrong hands you’re essentially granting access to whatever the new device “owner” wants to see. Instead, you’re better off using…

Single sign on

Single sign on (SSO) solutions like Ping Identity allow for automated user management for Concur and all your apps while ensuring everyone’s identity information is safely tucked away behind your firewall where it belongs. SSO also saves time. IT can manage access and user provisioning all from one simple SaaS based management console and end users have one-click access to all cloud applications and other small business technology whether at the office or on the go.

Concur’s app developer perspective

Way too many developers think about security after the fact. At Concur, we plan and implement security specifications as we are building the app. In fact, our developers work in partnership with our security team members. With Concur, you can rest assured that your personal and private user info is NEVER stored on your device. Instead, your information is encrypted using AES, the same encryption standard used by highly secure military and financial apps.

Your travel data, expense reports and credit card data should be secure no matter where you are, and your expense management system should be a boon rather than a burden. See the small business technology benefits for yourself. Take a free test drive of Concur to experience a better way to manage travel and expense reporting.  

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