............ Have a nice day............
USER MENU ID IS UNDEFINED IN FINACLE MIS SERVER   Date of Implementation of "VERY GOOD" Bench Mark for MACPs effect from 25.07.2016   Expected DA from Jan 2017 – 3% or 2% ?    One minute talk time for each Rupee in Airtel Payments Bank   AICPIN for October 2016 : Chances for 5% DA from January 2017   Central Government employees retiring from January 2017 to submit online application   Pre-Budget Views of Govt. Employees for inclusion in the Budget for the Year 2017-18: Confederation i.e. Scrap NPS, Minimum Wage Rs. 26,000 & Fitment Formula etc   On Salary Week, Banks Unlikely to Meet Demand for Extra 1 Lakh Cr   82 per cent ATMs dry because government used that money to pay its own employees   National Anthem Before Movie, Rules Supreme Court. Citizens 'Duty-Bound' To Show Respect    undefined

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

How to Edit PDF Files- Free Tools

PDF is the one of the most popular file format for sharing all sorts of documents. PDF files are generally smaller in size than the source document and they open in most devices without any change in original formatting. There are many free software's to read PDF files like adobe reader, foxit reader, etc..
If you looking for tools which easily edit PDF documents? In this post we are going to share you some free tools to edit PDF file.

Free Tools To Edit PDF files

Basic Tasks : Sometimes you need to make minor changes to a PDF file. For example, you want to hide your phone number from a PDF file. You can edit these minor changes with an online free pdf editor PDFEscape.com.
Note: you should think twice before uploading a highly confidential file to any online service
If you want to edit meta data of pdf files you can use the free utility PDFMetaEdit
Advanced PDF Editing (Images, text, etc.) :
Open Office : You can use Open Office Draw with the PDF Import extension to edit pdf files. It supports adding and replacing images, changing font family, size and color, inserting tables and charts....
Inkscape : Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor that allows you import and export PDF files. You can use Inkscape to edit text, image or any other objects of pdf file.
PDF XChange: a free PDF viewer and editor.

Download Avira Free Antivirus Latest Version

Avira Free Antivirus is one of the best free antivirus software application which removes all types of malware and protects you against the latest strains of viruses, adware, spyware, back-door programs, dialers, phishing, Trojans and more.
Real-Time Protection : Keeps your PC clean by blocking viruses, Trojans, rootkits and more 
AntiAd/Spyware : Blocks all attempts to spy on you and rids you of annoying adware. 
Browser Tracking Blocker : Absolute privacy from companies trying to track your web activities. 
Website Safety Advisor : Security ratings in your search results

Note: If you'd like to prevent browser toolbar and settings changes, choose the Custom Installation option and unselect those options.

Computer Freezing: Steps to Fix It

Computer Freezing: Steps to Fix It thumbnail

Most "freezes" are just software lockups, often limited to just one program, although they can cause the entire system seemingly to hang. The remainder are caused by hardware. Failing power supplies can cause all sorts of trouble, for example, including freezes. Memory is also a frequent culprit. Reseating the memory module fixes memory-related problems one-third of the time on desktop systems and one-quarter of the time on laptop systems, according to studies done by Microsoft.


  1. Is the Whole System Freezing?

    • 1.Press "Alt" and "F4." This may close the program without any further problems.
    • 2.Press the "Alt" and "Tab" keys together to switch to another program. If you are unable to see any change when you press "Alt" and "Tab," then try to bring up the Task Manager by pressing the left "Control" key, the left "Shift" key and "Escape." If that key combination doesn't open the Task Manager, press "Ctrl," "Alt" and "Del," then press the down arrow on the keyboard four times to highlight "Start Task Manager." Press "Enter."

Monday, 29 April 2013

How to Make Windows 7 Genuine - Simple & Easy Way

More than 50% computers are running on Windows 7 OS! This is the market leader now. 

If you're a victim of software piracy and use illegal version of Windows 7 then you may get continuous error message from desktop. And every time when you open your PC a message will tell you to buy a genuine version of windows. Actually this message is very annoying. 

Sometimes you may need to make your OS genuine to install Microsoft Security Essentials. 

 In this post I am showing the way to make Windows 7 Genuine! Let's find out how.
  1. Download the Zipped file from here
  2. Now extract the file.
  3. Now double click on Windows 7 Loader.
  4. Then click on install button and restart your PC when asked.
  5. And if you're looking for Advanced Settings then select the Advanced options located at the bottom left corner of the window.

Tips: In Windows Vista, 7 or 8 don't set your Windows Update Setting automatic. It will consume your internet data and not give you a better result actually. To change automatic update go to Properties of Computer > Windows Update >  Change Settings > Important 

How to make your PC speak what you type

This is an amazing trick to amaze your friends.By using this trick you can make your computer to speak whatever you type.This trick is working on all microsoft operating system and does not require any programming skills.You have to follow just simple steps and your own text to voice software will be ready.If you show this software to any of your friends he will be certainly impressed with you.
Ok,the trick is fairly simple and requires only 3 simple steps from your side.Let’s Begin the tutorial with screenshots to Make Your Computer Speak Whatever You Type

1.open notepad and copy and paste the following code into it
Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("What do you want me to say?","Speak to Me")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message

2.Now save the notepad file with the name speak.vbs at your desktop.
3.Now double click on speak.vbs type in the box whatever you want your computer to speak for you.

Its a really funny trick to impress everybody with your computer skills

launch hour demonstrat​ion at Aska Postal Division

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Abolition of MTS posts stayed by Hon'ble CAT Bangalore Bench.

To view stay order passed by Hon'ble CAT Bangalore Bench on 23/4/2013 in OA No. 376/2013 and 377/2013 filed by All India RMS-MMS Employees Union against the abolition of MTS posts by DOP, please CLICK HERE

Source: http://postalinspectors.blogspot.in

5 Free Data Recovery Programs

Data backup and recovery

Discovering you lost important data is one of the worst feelings in the world. Sometimes it’s impossible to get back what you lost, but sometimes it is possible that what you lost still exists somewhere on your hard drive. If it’s there, these five free tools will help you find it.


Although many Windows users know about the Recycle Bin, not everyone does. Even more importantly, not everyone knows how it works, so a file might be in the Recycle Bin even though you can’t find it.
When you delete a file on Windows the regular way, Windows doesn’t actually delete it—it moves it to the Recycle Bin. When your hard drive starts to fill up, you can permanentlydelete files from your Recyle Bin.
What many people don’t realize is that Windows can only use the move trick on a single drive. That means there may be more than one Recycle Bin on your computer if you use more than one drive (or you use removable USB drives). If you delete a file from the X:\ drive, you have to check the X:\RECYCLE folder to see if you can get your file back.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Robots: We Can’t Live Without Them, But Can We Really Live With Them?

Robots are things which it seems we can no longer live without; however it is questionable whether we will ever be entirely comfortable living with them?  Films like The Terminator, apart from being interminable, highlight a long-standing discomfort that appears to be deep rooted in the human psyche.  While your average ABB robot operator – those who daily swear and curse at the traditional robot arm found in every possible manufacturing setting – may well not lie awake at night worrying about the day that robots take over the world, for many of us it is a different story.  Throughout history it seems that we’ve found the concept of ‘creating’ life at the same time fascinating and terrifying.  From Frankenstein through to the concept of playing God, seeing ourselves outdone by our creations (and possibly destroyed) by them has become a common theme.

Slave Labour

Although it is a largely long forgotten fact, even the word ‘robot’ has fairly negative connotations.  It was not coined by the scientific branch of the creative world, but by a Czech writer in the 1920s.  The word was coined from the Slavic robota by Karl ?apek – although he credited his brother with actually coming up with the term.  Robot doesn’t translate as anything as cutesy as ‘handy little helper’ or ‘blooming great pile of rusting nuisance that never works’ (often used by those who work daily with robots). The word instead means forced labour.  This fact in itself might suggest one of the many reasons for our underlying discomfort with these beasts of burden in that robots are often employed to complete tasks that are too dirty, dangerous or downright boring for humans to contemplate.

Whats the difference between a virus, spyware, Malware, and adware?

Now days the average computer user must be aware of the potential threats their computer faces each time they connect to the world wide web. It is a dangerous place for a computer and the security threats are growing everyday. Now we also have to protect our online accounts as well as files on our own computers. I know Avast Internet security now covers your social networking accounts.  It is all so confusing, viruses, spyware, malware, and adware, just to name a few. Why are they all so different?
In the old days we used to call everything a virus, however now days we have more precise names to further categorize them. Below I will show you the difference between a virus, spyware, malware, and adware. It is important to protect your computer from viruses but how can you do that when you do not know what you are dealing with?

What is Malware?

Malware is a software program that has bad intentions. It can either be installed by the computer user accidentally or it can sneak into your computer through various avenues. Its not the same as a piece of software that by chance causes harm to your computer, malware is software that has been developed with the intent of causing problems with your computer.

How to Know Gmail Account Creation Date:

find gmail account creation date
The Following steps will guide you to know the creation date of your Gmail account.(you must have Gmail account)
    1. Sign in to your Gmail Account and go to  settings(by clicking small gear icon at right side)
    2. Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab.
    3.  Look for the 1st option of ” Status: POP is enabled for all mail that has arrived since “,and that is the creation date of your Gmail account,(see screen short for description)
find gmail creation date
find gmail creation date
Hoply you will enjoy this little trick.

Friday, 26 April 2013


After selection under Project Arrow, all post offices facing lots of problems and particularly in RED ZONE. To avoid RED ZONE against your office you should have to follow the following 50 step on daily basis. If you follow the following steps in Morning and Evening than your office never comes in RED ZONE.

Have good day…

View / Download

Thanks to 

Dnl. System Administrator
CELL : 9427574551

Source: http://sapost.blogspot.in

Are Your USB Ports Too Close Together? Here’s How to Fix It!

usb ports too close together
If you’re like me, you probably make good use of USB on your PC, from connecting keyboards and printers to smartphones, USB flash memory, Bluetooth, 3G or Wi-Fi dongles, headsets, game controllers and more.
USB is a versatile and easy-to-use connection format, but there is one thing that bugs many people (including me) about it: the inability of computer manufacturers from Apple to Lenovo, Dell to HP (short version: all of them) to correctly space the positioning of pairs of USB ports so that two devices can be connected at the same time!
However, upon investigation into this state of affairs, it seems that this inability is little more than an unnecessarily inflexible adherence to a set of agreements governing the use of USB on such devices. The result of this is that users will have to put up with the narrow gap between ports on their PCs and laptops and instead spend money on alternatives.

New Operational Network of Parcels

Thursday, 25 April 2013

New Project Arrow Portal launched by Honorable Secretary, DoP on 25/04/2013

New Project Arrow Portal launched by Honorable Secretary, DOP on 25/04/2013
This Web Portal has been developed for Project Arrow so that objectives and deliverables of the project are widely disseminated in the public domain and a proper channel is put in place for receiving feedback from stakeholders i.e. post office customers and the staff members. This interactive interface will facilitate in getting feedback and suggestions from customers across the country which will be vital inputs for further improving both the core operations and the ‘Look and Feel’ of Project Arrow Post Offices.


New Hard Drive Setup In 2 Minutes

sata hard drive
So you just bought a new hard drive and you’re ready to set it up—but you have no idea what to do. Don’t worry! We’ll get you going in no time at all.

Connecting Your New Hard Drive To Your Computer

Before you connect your new hard drive to your computer, see if the drive came with any software or drivers on CD. Most drives don’t need drivers, but the software on the CD can help walk you through some of the steps we’ll describe below. (Note: drives which offer hardware encryption may require the drivers).
After you install any required software from the CD, connect your new hard drive to your computer. Different types of drives have different types of connectors, so here are instructions for the three most common types of drives:

5 Free Must Have Hardware Diagnostic Tools

Every computer has hardware problems eventually, so it’s important to keep hardware diagnostic tools on hand. It could be because your computer will not boot due to a problem which could be either hardware of software related.
But you don’t need to spend money on expensive tools. These five free tools can help you diagnose most hardware problems.

Memory Scan

It’s almost impossible to diagnose a problem with your computer memory (RAM) without a memory scanner. Luckily, you don’t need a special hardware memory checker—you can use a tool to boot your computer into a special mode which will check your memory. There are several good tools, but I recommend the open source MemTest86, which works on Intel-style 32-bit and 64-bit PCs.
You can get MemTest86 for free from http://www.memtest86.com/.

What is The i386 Folder and Where is it Stored on My Computer?

If you are still using windows XP you can easily find the i386 folder on your computer. However if you are running Windows Vista and Windows seven this folder no longer exists.
There are two main setup files in the i386 directory.
  1. The Winnt32.exe is the setup program used when you are in Windows.
  2. The Winnt.exe file is for DOS.
The i386 directory is not the needed for Windows to actually runs from and is not really needed, but does contain important files. Originally it was simply a copy of the I386 directory from your installation CD. You’ll probably find “setup.exe” there, which is the Windows XP initial setup program.

Change The Storage Location Of 'my Documents', a bit safer for when your PC crashes...

I just found out about this today, and I use Windows XP for some time now, so i guess there are others out there who don't know about this yet.
But normally windows saves the "My Documents" folder on your C-drive. But when you right-click on it and go to properties, you can change the location where you want windows to save your Documents folder.
I have a partition set up with just windows on it, and all my things i want to keep are on different partitions/disks. So now I put My Documents on another partition than where I have windows installed. If windows screws up and you have to format your C-drive again, your documents will be spared at least...

DA from Jan-2013: Order issued by finmin

The additional dearness allowance @ 8% from 1st January 2013 for Central Government Employees was  approved by cabinet. The Finance ministry has issued order to grant additional DA from July, 2012 vide his No. 1(2)/2013-E-II(B) dated 25th April, 2013.  Text of said OM are reproduced below:
No. 1(2)/2013-E-II (B)
Government of India Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated: 25th April, 2013.


Subject: Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees - Revised Rates effective from 1.1.2013.

     The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry's Office Memorandum No. 1(8)/2012-E-II (B)  dated  28th September, 2012 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Allowance payable to Central Government employees shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 72% to 80% with effect from 1st Jan, 2013.

2     The provisions contained in paras 3, 4 and 5 of this Ministry's O.M. No. 1 (3)/2008-E-II(B) dated 29th August, 2008 shall continue to be applicable while regulating Dearness Allowance under these orders.

3     The additional instalment of Dearness Allowance payable under these orders shall be paid in cash to all Central Government employees.

4     These orders shall also apply to the civilian employees paid from the Defence Services Estimates and the expenditure will be chargeable to the relevant head of the Defence Services Estimates. In regard to Armed Forces personnel and Railway employees separate orders will be issued by the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Railways, respectively.

5     In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

(K.R. Sharma)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Download Pdf File from Finmin website [click here for english]

Download Image file given below:


Change of URL - Project arrow DET Dash Board.

Change of URL - Project arrow DET Dash Board.

   It is informed by Directorate Program Office that the Project Arrow DET Desboard URLhttp://indiapostarrow.gov.in   has been changed and the new URL is http://indiapostmail.gov.in/projectarrow
Source: indiapost.gov.in