............ Have a nice day............

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Wishing You All a Very Happy New Year 2015

                    New Year

                                  New Year

                                             New Year

                       New Year

                                                        glitter maker

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

What is the process of PPF Account Closure in DOP Finacle ?

There is no need to make the balance as zero before closure in PPF accounts.

PPF Closure (without loan)
  1.         Counter PA has to invoke HCAAC menu for closure.
  2.         Interest for current financial year will be calculated and posted in the PPF account.
  3.         System generated transaction ID will be created.
  4.         Supervisor has to verify the account closure using HCAAC menu.
  5.         In some cases, when the supervisor tries to verify the account closure, if the Tran ID   (generated in step 3) is in Entered state, then the error message ‘Pending verification   exists for the account’ will be displayed.
  6.         Tran ID if not noted down in step 3, it has to be obtained from HFTI menu by    selecting the transaction status ‘Entered’  (Tran ID generated against the PFF  account number will be shown).
  7.         In Counter PA login, in HTM – Modify option, this Tran ID is to be posted.
  8.         In Supervisor login, in HTM, this Tran ID is to be verified.
  9.        After verification of the transaction, in HCAAC menu, the closure has to be verified.

Error in RD loan account payoff done through cash receipt in DOP Finacle

RD loan account payoff done through cash receipt

This error will be thrown in offices migrated in the middle of the month. (ie on or after 2nd)
In case of Loan Disbursement or Loan Repayment the value date will be automatically changed to 01st of the month as interest is calculated from the 1st of the month for loans. As Cash account of that office will not be available as on 1st (since the office has migrated in the middle of the month) this error is thrown in Supervisor while verification. This error will be thrown only in the month of migration and from 2nd month cash be used for repayment or disbursement.
Workaround to overcome this error

NSC account opened but verification is not happening in DOP Finacle

Not able to print Certificates in DOP Finacle

  1. The certificate should not be actually printed till orders issued fro Directorate.
  2. When certifcate is manually written,  before handing over the same to customer - a dummy print needs to be executed in Finacle using HDRP. Ensure that "printed succesfully" radio button is ticked during executing the menu HDRP.
  3. The critical point is certificate inventory should be moved from DL (double lock) to EM (Employee Location) as and when printing is required.
  4.  There Should never be a case where a customer is given a hand written certificate and print command is pressed later. This would lead to mismatch of certificate number.
  5.  In case certificate is wrongly printed  and the customer has returned or the post office is in possetion of the wrong certificate - a duplicate certificate needs to be printed using HDUDRP menu option.

Inauguration of Core Banking Solution (CBS) : CBS Rolled out at Jeypore(K) H.O., Koraput Division, Berhampur Region on 29.12.2014, Inaugurated by Shri Daitari Rana, SSPOs, Koraput Division, Odisha