There are loop holes to everything; the worst among them is the internet. The internet is so vulnerable that hackers are able to access just about any information that they want. The thing with web security is that both sides of the loop can be contained;
Meaning that with smart codes hackers can be kept out but at the same time with some tricks hackers can crack the security firewall. So, how do you feel safe in a world where all information is available online? Here are some points to keep in mind when it comes to safety of web application with inputs from DNA.
How important is web security? The importance of web application cannot be emphasized more than this, that it is very important. Since the world is moving to an internet age, where everything is looped to the internet, the need for security is at the highest level. It is hard to contain the information available online since it is open to everyone with a computer. So, this is why everything from mobile application to bank transactions has a backend to the cloud, which at the moment is the safest thing there is. Since, everything is linked to HTTP.