............ Have a nice day............
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Friday, 6 January 2012

Feedback on the 4th meeting of the National Anomaly committee

General Secretary of  AIRF Com Shiva Gopal Mishra has published a letter in his website regarding feed back of  NATIONAL ANOMALY COMMITTEE meeting.CGE PORTAL reproduce the same for your information

Dear Comrades,

Sub: Feedback on the 4 th meeting of the National Anomaly Committee
The 4th meeting of the National Anomaly Committee was held today in North Block, New Delhi, wherein
the following decisions were arrived:-

Item Nos.1 to 4(along with item No.5(iii): Anomaly in pay fixation in case of merger of various pay scales

The matter is under review.

Item No.5(i)(along with items No.34 and 35): Re-opening of option for fixation of pay on promotion 


Item No.5(ii): Special Allowance and qualification pay 


Item No.5(iv): Anomaly in fixation of pay between Direct Recruits and Promotees 
The Official Side have asked references from various ministries. 

The matter will be expedited within two months time.

Item No.5(v): Date of Next Increment 

Annual increment falls between 1st February 2006 and 1stJune 2006, first increment will be
granted on January 2006 on V CPC rates and the second will be granted on July 2006 on VI CPC rates as one time measure.

Item No.5(vi): Deduction of tax from salary 


Item No.6 & 7: Benefit on promotion/fixation of pay on promotion


Item No.8: Re-fixation of pension/family pension 


Item No.9: Anomaly in pension for Government Servants who retired/died in harness between 1.1.2006 and 1.9.2008


Item No.10: Commutation of pension 


Item No.11: Grant revised allowances w.e.f. 1.1.2006

Not Agreed

Item No.12 & 13: Transport Allowance – 
Re-fixation in rates

Referred to the National Council(JCM).

Item No.14: Revision of existing allowances – Patient Care Allowance, Risk Allowance etc.  

The Official Side have asked one month time.

Item No.15, 16 & 17: Parity in pension 

The case is sub-judice and court decision is being examined.

Item No.18: Anomaly in pension to those retiring within first 9 months of 2006 not fully rectified 


Item No.19: Revision of pension of those who retired during the period 1.1.2006 to 1.9.2008


Item No.20: Daily Allowance on tour

The matter will be discussed next time.

Item No.21: 50% of revised pay band + grade pay not correctly determined

Covered with items No.15, 16 and 17.

Item No.22: Revision of pension of those who are receiving two pensions


Item No.24, 25 & 26: Commutation of pension 

Not Agreed.

Item No.27: Constant Attendance Allowance


Item No.28: Grant of grade pay of Rs.5400 in PB-2 for Asstt. Accounts/Audit Officers

Will be discussed in a separate meeting.

Due to paucity of time, rest items could not be discussed, and the same will be discussed in the next meeting.
Besides the above, issues relating to removal of GP Rs.2000 while granting MACP, GP Rs.4800 to apex level supervisors, implementation of unanimous recommendations of Departmental  Anomalies Committees (Railways) (pending with MoF(Deptt. of Exp.), benefit of increment on  promotion to the staff promoted in the same grade pay, particularly the issues relating to Running Staff, promotion from MCM to JE, Goods Pilot to Passenger and Mail/ Express, Goods Guard to Passenger and Mail/Express, as well as other categories where promotion in the same grade pay, MACP to Pharmacist, merger of Technician II with I, etc.etc. were also raised by us and demanded immediate solution of the same.

Yours fraternally
Shiva Gopal Mishra 
General Secretary

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