............ Have a nice day............
USER MENU ID IS UNDEFINED IN FINACLE MIS SERVER   Date of Implementation of "VERY GOOD" Bench Mark for MACPs effect from 25.07.2016   Expected DA from Jan 2017 – 3% or 2% ?    One minute talk time for each Rupee in Airtel Payments Bank   AICPIN for October 2016 : Chances for 5% DA from January 2017   Central Government employees retiring from January 2017 to submit online application   Pre-Budget Views of Govt. Employees for inclusion in the Budget for the Year 2017-18: Confederation i.e. Scrap NPS, Minimum Wage Rs. 26,000 & Fitment Formula etc   On Salary Week, Banks Unlikely to Meet Demand for Extra 1 Lakh Cr   82 per cent ATMs dry because government used that money to pay its own employees   National Anthem Before Movie, Rules Supreme Court. Citizens 'Duty-Bound' To Show Respect    undefined

Sunday, 31 July 2016

7th Pay Commission increment in revised pay structure – Illustration

7th Pay Commission increment – Revised Pay Rules 2016, provides for two dates for annual increments viz., 1st January and 1st July 2016 to take care of delayed annual increments and consequent Pay anomaly

(1) There shall be two dates for grant of increment namely, 1st January and 1st July of every year, instead of existing date of 1st July:
Provided that an employee shall be entitled to only one annual increment either on 1st January or 1st July depending on the date of his appointment, promotion or grant of financial upgradation.

(2) The increment in respect of an employee appointed or promoted or granted financial upgradation including upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) during the period between the 2nd day of January and 1st day of July (both inclusive) shall be granted on 1st day of January and the increment in respect of an employee appointed or promoted or granted financial upgradation including upgradation under MACPS during the period between the 2nd day of July and 1st day of January (both inclusive) shall be granted on 1st day of July.

7th Pay Commission – Financial Loss to employees – Confederation Analysis


Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers Karnataka State has analysed the implementation of 7th Pay Commission with respect to HRA and reports Financial Loss to employees

Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers Karnataka State  has analysed the date of implementation of 7th Pay Commission with respect to allowances and the Financial Loss to employees with regard to delayed effect date for common allowances such as HRA, Transport Allowance etc.
The date of effect of allowances.
The Central Government employees are always be cheated in respect of date of implementation of allowances especially on HRA, from past twenty years it is observed that these allowances are issued from a later date in 5th CPC case it was issued after 20 months, in case of 6th CPC it was issued after 32 months, in 7th CPC we hoped it will be issued in 7 months, but it was not the case, now it is likely to be issued only after 11 months . There by causing financial loss to the employees, the cost of living index is going up every month, but the allowances especially the HRA is not issued from the date of effect of the pay commission.

The following are the facts :

Friday, 29 July 2016

House Rent Allowance not issued from the date of effect of Pay Commission

House Rent Allowance not issued from the date of effect of Pay Commission

The date of effect of allowances

The Central Government employees are always be cheated in respect of date of implementation of allowances especially on HRA , from past twenty years it is observed that these allowances are issued from a later date in 5th CPC case it was issued after 20 months , in case of 6th CPC it was issued after 32 months , in 7th CPC we hoped it will be issued in 7 months , but it was not the case , now it is likely to be issued only after 11 months . There by causing financial loss to the employees, the cost of living index is going up every month, but the allowances especially the HRA is not issued from the date of effect of the pay commission.

The following are the facts :
The Fifth Central Pay Commission was set up by the Government of India by Resolution No. 5(12)/E. III/93 dated 9th April, 1994. The Commission submitted on the 30th January, 1997. The revised allowances, other than dearness allowance, was effective from 1st day of August, 1997 instead of 1st January 1996.

7th CPC Arrears should be paid along with August Salary- Finance Ministry Order

 Finance Ministry Instructions for Pay Fixation and Payment of Arrears

The arrears as accruing on account Of revised pay consequent upon fixation Of pay under CCS Rules. 2016 with effect from 01-01-2016 shall be paid in cash in one installment along with the payment Of salary for the month Of August, 2016

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department Of Expenditure
(Implementation Cell, 7 CPC)
Room No. 214, The Ashok
New Delhi, the 29th July, 2016

Subject: Implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission- Fixation of pay and Payment of arrears – instructions Regarding

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department Of Expenditure’s Resolution No. 1-2/2016-IC dated 25/07/2016, bringing out the decisions of the Government On the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission as well as the consequent promulgation of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, notified vide G.S.R NO. 721(E) dated 25th July, 2016 regarding fixation Of pay in the revised pay structure effective from 01.01.2016 and to say the provisions governing such fixation Of pay have been clearly enunciated in the said Rules.
2. Accordingly in pursuance of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2016, appropriate necessary action to fix the pay of the employees covered thereunder in the revised pay structure needs to be carried out forthwith in accordance with the provisions contained therein. In order to facilitate a smooth and systematic fixation of pay, a proforma for the purpose (Statement of Fixation of Pay) is enclosed at Annexure. The statement of fixation of pay in revised pay structure as per CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 be prepared in triplicate and one copy thereof be placed in the Service Book of the employee concerned and another copy made available to the concerned accounting authorities [Chief Controller Of Accounts/Controller Of Accounts/Accounts Officer] for post-check.

7th Pay Commission – Staff Side JCM takes up increase in minimum pay and fitment formula


7th Pay Commission – Staff Side requests for setting up “High Level Committee” to review Minimum Wage and Fitment Multiplication Factor without any further delay

National Council (Staff Side) has requests Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs, to set up High level committee as promised to review Minimum Wage and Fitment Multiplication Factor without any further delay.
                                           National Council (Staff Side)
                                         Joint Consulative Machinery
                                   for Central Government Employees
                               13-C Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001 
No.NC/JCM/7th CPC/2016                                                  Dated: 26th July 2016

Shri Rajnath Singh,
Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs,
(Government of India)
North Block,
Central Secretariat,
New Delhi-110 001

Respected Sir,
We solicit your kind attention towards the discussion we had with your goodself on 30.06.2016, wherein Hon’ble Finance Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley, Hon’ble Minister for Railways, Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu, and Hon’ble Minister of State for Railways, Shri Manoj Sinha, were also present.

Shri B. V. Sudhakar appointed as new Director General in Postal Department

Mr. B.V. Sudhakar, IPoS, (1981) is the new Secretary of Department of Posts, Govt. of India.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Implementation of 7th CPC - Postal Directorate Orders

Implementation of 7th CPC - Postal Directorate Orders  

Asset Disclosure By Govt Staff – Deadline Extended Indefinitely

Asset Disclosure By Govt Staff – The bill will now go to the Rajya Sabha for approval and Section 44, which deals with declaration of assets and liabilities of public servants.

The Lok Sabha has swiftly passed a bill to allow an extension of the July 31 deadline for 50 lakh central government employees and directors and trustees in NGOs to declare their assets.
The bill, which amends section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayukta Act, was moved in the Lok Sabha and was passed by voice vote without discussion, with only a CPM lawmaker saying no. The Left party asked why the haste in passing the amendment, worried that it could be seen as a dilution of the anti-corruption law.

Govt ignored 7th CPC recommendation of CGEGIS to give High risk Cover

The Best Recommendation for CGEGIS is ignored by all

Apart from Pay Matrix there is one more thing we need to appreciate 7th Pay Commission for its recommendations. The recommendations on living benefits are only debated much in discussions. But the 7th CPC has put human face and showed its magnanimity while recommending CGEGIS for Central Government Employees with high risk cover.
Spending 1500 Rupees every month for overcoming the uncertainty in life to save the family is not at all a matter of concern for Group C Government servants. Because the family of a Group C Employee gets 15 Lakh Rupees at the unfortunate loss of its breadwinners life.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Procedure to take previous day's reports in Production(LIVE) Server

  • Previously we might use the MIS url for taking the reports of previous day's LOTs and consolidation.
  • But today onwards we can take the report in LIVE URL or Production Server which is what we use daily to perform the transactions.
  • For MIS / SCSS / TD / PPF / RD / SB, the report (Common Counterwise Transactions (Today) ) can be generated for 3 days - BOD, BOD - 1, BOD - 2  in Production.
  • Required patch deployed in the production server hence users can generate in LIVE URL only for the previous day's reports.
  • Step by step procedure is mentioned below

Procedure to take previous day's reports in Production(LIVE) Server :- 

  • Invoke the menu HFINRPT then the system will show the below screen shot as shown

7th Pay Commission Notification At A Glance

New Delhi: In a bonanza for 4.8 million central government employees, the government on Monday issued notification and resolution for implementation of the 7th Pay Commission, which had given an overall hike 14.29 percent in basic pay.
Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said,
 “the financial impact of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations is less than that of the 6th Pay Commission.”

Check out the followings to know the benefits and losses of Central government employees under 7th Pay Commission notification and resolution at a glance.

1. The government has notified a 2.57-time hike in basic pay

2. The minimum pay of central government employees with effect from January 1, 2016 will now be Rs 18,000 per month, from existing Rs 7,000 per month.

3. The highest level of Cabinet Secretary, the salary would hike up from Rs 90,000 a month to Rs 2.5 lakh.

No annual increment for non-performing employees: Government

The recommendation of "withholding of annual increments in the case of those employees who are not able to meet the benchmark either for MACP or a regular promotion within the first 20 years of their service" has been "accepted", it said.

Central government employees will not get annual increment if their performance is not upto the mark, the Centre has said.
The benchmark for performance appraisal for promotion and financial upgradation has been enhanced to “very good” from “good” level, the Finance Ministry said in an order notifying implementation of Seventh Central Pay Commission’s recommendations.

Dearness Allowance Calculation in 7th CPC Gazette Notification

Dearness Allowance Calculation in 7th CPC Gazette Notification

The Recommendations on Allowances (except Dearness Allowance) will be referred to a Committee comprising Finance Secretary and Secretary (Expenditure) as Chairman and Secretaries of Home Affairs, Defence, Health and Family Welfare, Personnel and Training, Posts and Chairman, Railway Board as Members. The Committee will submit its report within a period of four months. Till a final decision on Allowances is taken based on the recommendations of this Committee, all Allowances will continue to be paid at existing rates in existing pay structure, as if the pay had not been revised with effect from 1st day of January, 2016.


The Joint platform of Central Trade Unions (CTUs) of the Country along with Independent National Federations of employees of different industries and services including Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers, have decided to organize All India General Strike on 2nd September 2016, against the anti-people, anti-workers policies and authoritarian attitude of the NDA Government. Intensive campaign and preparation to make the general strike a resounding historical success is going on in full swing throughout the country. The attitude of the NDA Government is profoundly negative and hugely challenging to the working class including Central Govt. employees. The issues in the Charter of demands submitted by the Trade Unions to the Govt. relate to basic interest of the country’s economy and also issues concerning the livelihood of the working people of both organized and unorganized sectors.

7th CPC Recommendations on Entry Pay in Pay Matrix

5.1.18 Prior to VI CPC, there were Pay Scales. The VI CPC had recommended running Pay Bands with Grade Pay as status determiner. The Seventh CPC is recommending a Pay matrix with distinct Pay Levels. The Level would henceforth be the status determiner.

5.1.19 Since the existing pay bands cover specific groups of employees such as PB-1 for Group `C’ employees, PB-2 for Group `B’ employees and PB-3 onwards for Group `A’ employees, any promotion from one pay band to another is akin to movement from one group to the other. These are significant jumps in the career hierarchy in the Government of India. Rationalisation has been done to ensure that the quantum of jump, in financial terms, between these pay bands is reasonable. This has been achieved by applying ‘index of rationalisation’ from PB-2 onwards on the premise that with enhancement of levels from Pay Band 1 to 2, 2 to 3 and onwards, the role, responsibility and accountability increases at each step in the hierarchy. The proposed pay structure reflects the same principle. Hence, the existing entry pay at each level corresponding to successive grades pay in each pay band, from PB-2 onwards, has been enhanced by an ‘index of rationalisation’ as shown below in Table 4:

7th CPC Pay Matrix – There is wide Gap between PB3 and PB4 Grades

“……As per Pay Matrix approved in the 7th Pay Commission, there is wide gap between erstwhile PB3 & PB4 Pay Bands. The following statement will speak for itself the wide gap between these two Pay Band Posts entry Level Pay from 1-1-2016:
Pay Band 15600-39100: – (PB3) Group-A
i)G.P. 5400/- Entry Pay .. 56,100
ii)G.P.6600/- .. .. 67,700
iii)G.P.7600 .. .. 78,800
Pay Band 37,400-67,000 – (PB4)
i)     G.P.8700/- Entry Pay .. 1,18,500
ii)    G.P.8900/- .. .. 1,31,000
iii)  G.P.10000/- .. .. 1,44,200
If we look at the entry pay of PB3 under (iii) category entry Pay is fixed at 78,800/- and the entry pay of PB under (i) is at Rs.1,18,000/-

Fixation of pay of employees appointed on or after 1st January 2016

Fixation of Pay for Government Servants those are appointed on or after 1st day of January 2016 has been illustrated in Revised pay rules 2016 published on 25th July 2016 by finance ministry.
The pay of employees appointed by direct recruitment on or after 1st day of January, 2016 shall be fixed at the minimum pay or the first Cell in the Level, applicable to the post to which such employees are appointed:

Tuesday, 26 July 2016


  • According to SB Order 5/2016. The SOL Transfer will be proceeded at Head office only. 
  • Customer will visit the home branch and submit the request for A/c transfer of his account from his branch to another CBS branch. 
  • Home SOL will send the request of A/c Transfer in SB-10 B to Head office. 
  • Supervisor of SO will validate the account details and then invoke HACXFSOL (Transfer Menu between CBS Sol’) menu and choose option “T-Transfer” and click Go button. 
  • The screen appears like as

  • Super will then fill in the following details such as account number, Target sol id (To Sol (CBS Branch) where the account is going to be transferred) and press the submit button. 
  • The screen appears like as

Download 7th CPC Option form and Conditions to Exercising Option

7th Government has approved 7th Pay Commission and issued Gazette Notification of implementation today. The Notification has given some surprise by increasing Annual Increments date from one day to Two days in a year. So there will not be any discrepancy on account of granting Annual Increment. So accordingly all the Government Employee to exercise the Option for revising Pay . Besides these , if a Govt servant wants to continue in Sixth CPC  Pay Scale he can be permitted
All the central Government employees have to Exercise Option in the prescribed  Form  attached below. This 7th CPC option form is issued along with 7th CPC prescribed form to revise the salary.

Entitlement for Granting Annual Increment on 1st January and 1st July

(1) There shall be two dates for grant of increment namely, 1st January and 1st July of every year, instead of existing date of 1st July:
Provided that an employee shall be entitled to only one annual increment either on 1st January or 1st July depending on the date of his appointment, promotion or grant of financial upgradation.
(2) The increment in respect of an employee appointed or promoted or granted financial upgradation including upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) during the period between the 2nd day of January and 1st day of July (both inclusive) shall be granted on 1st day of January and the increment in respect of an employee appointed or promoted or granted financial upgradation including upgradation under MACPS during the period between the 2nd day of July and 1st day of January (both inclusive) shall be granted on 1st day of July.

7th Pay Commission Pay Fixation as per Notification for implementation

7th Pay Commission Pay Fixation as per Notification for implementation issued by Govt on 25th July 2016 – 7th Pay Commission recommendations accepted as such

Statement showing the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission on Pay relating to Civilian employees in Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ and personnel of All India Services and Government’s decisions thereon.
1.Pay Fixation in revised Pay Structure
Recommendation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission
Decision of the Government
Minimum pay in government with effect from01.01.2016 at Rs. 18000 per month (Para 4.2.13 of the Report)
Pay Matrix comprising two dimensions havinghorizontal range in which each level corresponds to a “functional role in the hierarchy” with number assigned 1, 2, 3 and so on till 18 and “vertical range” denoting “pay progression”. These indicate the steps of annual financial progression (Para 5.1.21 of the Report)
On recruitment, an employee joins at a particularlevel and progresses within the level as per thevertical range. The movement is usually on an annual basis, based on annual increments till the time of their next promotion. (Para 5.1.22 of the Report)
The fitment factor of 2.57 to be applied uniformly for all employees. (Para 5.1.27 of the Report)
Pay of employees to be fixed in the revised PayStructure in the manner laid down in Paras 5.1.28 and 5.1.29 of the Report.
In case of upgrading of posts recommended by the Commission, the pay may be fixed in revised Pay Structure in manner laid down in Para 5.1.30 of the Report.
Accepted. The recommendation regarding downgrading not accepted and, therefore, no occasion for fixation on downgrading of posts.
Pay of direct recruits will start at the minimum pay corresponding to the Level to which recruitment is made, which will be the first cell of each Level in the Matrix (Para 5.1.32 of the Report)
On promotion, pay of employees to be fixed in the manner laid down in Para 5.1.33 of the Report.
The Government has accepted the Commission’s recommendations on Minimum Pay, Fitment Factor, Index of Rationalisation, Pay Matrices and general recommendations on pay without any material alteration with the following exceptions in Defence Pay Matrix in order to maintain parity in pay with Central Armed Police Forces, namely :-

7th Pay Commission – Gazette Notification Issued By Ministry of Finance

7th Central Pay Commission Gazette Notification No. 1-2/2016-IC dated 25th July issued by Ministry of Finance

The long awaited 7th Pay Commission Gazette Notification has finally been issued by the Ministry of Finance.
After more than 25 days since the Cabinet gave its approval to recommendations of 7th Pay Commission, the Government has issued the Gazette Notification for the implementation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission.
As many as 48 lakh Central Government Employees including Railway Employees, Civilian Defence Employees and Defence Personnel along with 52 lakh Central Civilian and Defence Pensioners will be benefited by this 7th Pay Commission pay and pension hike.

Monday, 25 July 2016

7th Pay Commission fitment formula, Minimum Pay and annual increment – BPMS to agitate


7th Pay Commission fitment Formula should be 3.42 in the place of 2.57. Minimum Pay to be fixed at Rs. 26,000 and annual increment to be enhanced to 5% – BPMS launches Agitation on 29th August 2016

Bharatiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh
(An All India Federation of Defence Workers)
(An Industrial Unit of B.M.S)
(Recognised by Ministry of Defence, Govt of India)
Central Office: 2-A Naveen Market, Kanpur-208001.
Ref: BPMS / CIRCULAR / 17th TC / 08
Dated: 19.07.2016
The President/General Secretary
Unions Affiliated to the Federation.
Office Bearers & Executive Committee Members
Subject: Agitation against Central Government’s anti employees polices; Delhi March on 29 Aug 2016.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Sadar Namaskar,
All of you know that Government approved the recommendations of 7th CPC without any change in Cabinet Meeting on 29.06.2016. But Government did not pay heed to resolve the objections raised by the federations affiliated to BMS.
On the call of GENC we extended our moral support to indefinite strike proposed by NJCA which was scheduled to commence on 11 July 2016. But NJCA deceived the employees and called off the strike without any genuine settlement. NJCA proved itself incapable to get the problems of employees redressed and bowed before pressure exerted by Government.
Since neither any anomaly of earlier pay commissions has been resolved nor any demand related to 7th CPC has been accepted so far. In such situation GENC has decided to lead and conduct a humongous rally at Parliament in Delhi on 29 Aug 2016 to get resolved issues related to 7th CPC. Being a constituent of GENC this federation has also decided to be part of it to exert pressure on Government to redress the anomalies and settle the genuine demands made by us.
Therefore, you are requested to take part in the rally with massive number of supporters. The venue of Rally is Jantar Mantar and the programme is scheduled from 10 am to 3 pm. All the arrangements related to accommodation and lodging should be made by union itself.
Your support for tremendous success of the programme is solicited. The charter of demands (Annexure – A) has been attached.
Thanking you.
Brotherly yours
General Secretary