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Friday 8 July 2016

KEEP the GUN powder DRY! -Aiprpa Chq

Comrades let us be clear on developments!

NJCA leaders met Home Minister on 6th July and the process of government press communiqué was set in motion. The NJCA was in long wait in JCM NC office expecting a copy of govt press release. But before receipt of the same, some miscreant had circulated a bogus withdrawal circular by NJCA. The AIRF immediately repudiated it and at that time only we understood that somebody is making a fun!
 Later on receipt of govt press communiqué, NJCA deferred the strike but no letter as appeared earlier was ever circulated to prove the earlier job was by a miscreant! Comrade KVS's remark that "we have missed the bus" is the felt feeling of many comrades! A great endeavour for more than a year by NJCA unitedly, many programmes nation wide, marches to Parliament, conventions, strike ballots, strike notice serving, and much more activities that generated a huge heat against the govt and pay commission and empowered committee might have been better utilised to clinch the issues by holding the ears of government! Once again 'Committees' might have allowed the govt to escape from the critical position it was!
However what happened is the wisdom of NJCA as it alone could assess the actual situation; but it should keep up the tempo by extra strain to hit back if Govt wants to reject the issues in the name of 'Committees'! The mental preparedness of employees should not go down and keeping their morale up is everybody's task! 

The battle is over with govt and NJCA are evenly poised; but the war is not yet over! Rather it has just taken a new turn! All be prepared for winning the war and keeping the faith on 'Generals' (NJCA) is far more important till war comes to its logical end!

Keep the Gun Powder dry!

source:Aiprpa Chq

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