............ Have a nice day............

Friday, 28 February 2014

Cabinet approves merger of DA with basic pay. Defers decision on anti-corruption ordinances and Forward Contract Regulation (Amendment) Act

The Cabinet today approved  of 50%  of Central government employees and with their . However, it has deferred a decision on anti-corruption ordinances and  Regulation (Amendment) Act. A special Cabinet meeting is likely tomorrow to take call on these ordinances.

Source : http://www.business-standard.com/




The Union Cabinet today approved to increase in  Dearness Allowance by 10% to Central Government employees.
The rate of Dearness allowance shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 90% to 100%.

Revised rates effective from 1.1.2014.

Finance Ministry will publish detailed orders regarding this issue within this month.

Courtesy : http://90paisa.blogspot.in/

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Best Free Portable Applications (sorted into categories)

Here is our list of the best free portable applications. I have sorted them into categories for your convenience, although, not in any order of preference. Considering our main emphasis here is on avoiding crapware, these are all reputable products with portable versions available direct from the developer:

Best Free Portable System Cleaning & Maintenance

  • PrivaZer – Superior cleanup and privacy tool.
  • CCleaner – Safe and trusted system cleaning tool.
  • Ultra Defrag – Fast and powerful open source defragmenter
  • Defraggler – Solid defrag software from the makers of CCleaner.
  • Auslogics Disk Defrag – Fast defragmenter, includes optimization feature. (download link is toward bottom of page, on the left hand side)
  • Geek Uninstaller – Excellent uninstaller. Removes leftovers. “Force Removal” for stubborn or broken programs. Fully supports 64-bit systems/applications.
  • Revo Uninstaller - Superior uninstaller for 32-bit applications. Free version does not support removal of 64-bit applications.
  • Comodo Cleaning Essentials - On-demand malware scanner, identifies and removes existing malware.
  • Emsisoft Emergency Kit – Collection of malware removal tools, including on-demand scanner. *Huge 209MB download.

How to Protect Cells in a Word 2010 Table Using A Text Form Field

You can protect cells in your Excel worksheet pretty easily, but protecting cells in an Microsoft Word Table – not so much, although it can be done.
How? Well you insert a Text Form field control into each cell where you want your users to input or modify values.
Then, you protect your document. Only those cells with the controls will allow changes. The process is a bit convoluted and I would not recommend using it with a complex document, but it works fairly well with a simple one.
Follow the steps below to learn how to protect and unprotect cells in a Word table:

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Download Office 2013 Service Pack 1 – Now available

Microsoft has released Service Pack 1 for Office 2013, SharePoint 2013 and Exchange Server 2013 and you should be able to see it being offered by your Microsoft Updates any day. This Service Pack 1 will deliver expanded functionality, greater stability, security enhancements and improved compatibility with Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2.
office 15 2013 logo Download Office 2013 Service Pack 1   Now available
While I can currently see it being offered by my Windows 8.1 , Microsoft says that Office 2013 customers will begin to get notifications of SP1 availability through Windows Update within the next 30 days.
Customers who have an Office 365 subscription, have nothing to do as they are always kept up to date and will get the SP1 changes automatically in their next regular update.
Exchange Server 2013 and SharePoint 2013 customers can download SP1 at the Microsoft download center.

Office 2013 Service Pack 1 new features:

Why is the mouse cursor tilted and not straight

Mouse cursor, the term refers to pointing devices, such as trackballs, touchpads and pointing sticks built into notebook computers. It is sometimes also referred to as the pointer and serves a purpose we all are aware of. And we are also aware that it is tilted to the left. But have you ever wondered why!?
why is the mouse cursor tilted Why is the mouse cursor tilted and not straight
What could be the possible reason for this angle of inclination? Some say that it emulates our natural way of writing, where we hold the pen at such an inclined angle.  But if a person is left-handed and writing , the wrist covers the text you just completed and therefore drags through the fresh ink when you proceed in the opposite direction. This view, I believe won’t have many takers when it comes to computers as the ink used is digitized.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Fix: Managed SQL Server installer has stopped working on Windows 7 | 8

Managed SQL Server installer has stopped working

In this article we’ll discuss how to resolve Managed SQL Server installer has stopped working when trying to install SQL Server 2008 R2/SQL Server 012 .
sqlstoped1 600x247 Fix: Managed SQL Server installer has stopped working on Windows 7 | 8
So the scenario is, when you click on “New SQL Server stand-alone installation or added features to an existing installation”, it will seems like it will load and then you get an error “Managed SQL Server installer has stopped working”.

System Information Tools in Windows 8 | 7

You may occasionally need to know a little more about your machine…details about your hardware, software, etc. There are three ways you can get such info in Windows 8, Windows 7 or Windows Vista, natively.

System Information Tools in Windows 8

1] Control Panel System Properties
For knowing just the basics, about your operating system and computer try the System Control Panel. You can openSystem Properties by simply pressing the Windows Logo+Break keys or by Right-clicking Computer and choose Properties.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Accounts Pay Bill Draw error and it's solution

While going to draw the pay bill for the month of February 2014 an error occured 
"InvelidObject Name R2014_2015"


  Download the exl file and run it by using script tool.


Thursday, 20 February 2014

Cabinet approved terms of reference for 7th CPC, including merger of 50 per cent DA with basic pay: The Hindu Business Line News


 As per Hindu Businessline News the Cabinet approved terms of reference for seventh pay commission. This includes merging dearness allowance above 50 per cent with basic pay. The excerpt of Hindu Businessline News is reproduced below:

Ahead of general election, the Centre today took key decisions to woo minorities and Government employees.

For minorities, the Cabinet has decided to form equal opportunity commission as suggested by Sachhar Committee. This commission will suggest ways to ensure equal opportunities in jobs, education and even finding house on rent for minorities. The commission is expected to be constituted soon.

Terms of reference for 7th pay commission

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Ubiquitous Player: Free Multimedia Player for Windows 8 | 7

When using PC’s, we install a number of software to run applications such as music player, image viewer, calculator, web browser, and many more.  The list of such software which you need to download and install is in fact a long one. But have you ever thought how amazing it will be if you will find only one such program having several applications all combined into one.
One such freeware  is Ubiquitous Player.Ubiquitous Player is a free multimedia player for Windows 8 | 7. It is an image viewer, a calculator, clipboard manager and more, all you can find in this one compact portable application.

Free Multimedia Player for Windows

Multimedia Player 1 Ubiquitous Player: Free Multimedia Player for Windows 8 | 7

Create desktop shortcut to Switch User Accounts in Windows 8 | 7

If you need to switch User Accounts frequently in Windows, you can create a desktop shortcuts for it. This post will show you how to do it using the built-in Session Disconnection Utility.
Normally to switch users, you use the Power Options > Shut down button > Select Switch User. Then you press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, and then click the user you want to switch to. But if you wish, you can also create a desktop shortcut to do it.
switch user accounts Create desktop shortcut to Switch User Accounts in Windows 8 | 7

How to edit your Facebook Look-Back Video

I am sure, by now, most Facebook users would have walked down the memory lane via Facebook’s Look Back videos rolled out as part of the company’s 10th anniversary celebrations. The video has got popular with Facebook users, and no one is shying from sharing it.
This gesture from the social networking giant giving its users a look back into their lives appeared to me no more than an additional extra. However, later, I found it worth an applause. It evoked a bit of nostalgia!
What was missing earlier was now available too – An edit button to make your video perfect. After all, it’s you who would want to select and share the pictures of your choice and not some other third-party. The good news is Facebook lets you do it! Here’s how to edit your Facebook Look –Back video.

Edit Facebook Look-Back Video

The Edit feature allows people to change moments in their movies or update the ones they shared. It enables Facebook users to remove a post from the movie that was pre-selected and change it to a different one.
Navigate to facebook.com/lookback. Once there, you can find an ‘Edit’ button in the upper right-hand corner of the computer screen. Click on the button.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Create a slideshow with 4K Slideshow Maker software

If making slideshows is a troublesome task for you, then you would love to use 4K Slideshow Maker for the easiness it provides in making the slides. 4K Slideshow Maker is a light weight portable application with the help of which you can create slideshows with the photographs that is present either on your system hard drive or on Instagram. It is a very simple and attractive tool with no special system requirement and since it is portable in nature you are not even required to install it on your system.
create a slideshow 1 Create a slideshow with 4K Slideshow Maker software

How to Add Page Numbers in Word 2010

It is very easy to insert page numbers in earlier versions of Word. You simply open the header or footer and click the appropriate options on the Header and Footer toolbar. The Page Numbers option is also available from the Insert menu.
It is still easy to perform this task in Word 2010, but you have to know where to find the options!
Follow the steps to learn how:
  • On the Insert tab, in the Header & Footer group, click Page Number.
Even though this option is in the Header & Footer group, you can also select Current Position to insert a literal page number almost anyplace in your document. You are not limited to the header and footer sections.
  • Another option is on the Insert tab, click Header or Footer from the Header & Footer group. The resulting gallery will offer a number of pre-defined page numbering options, although none of them offer the Page x of y format.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Keep your Email Inbox clean with Unroll.me

Waking up to dozens of emails is not the best way to start your day with. It is a jarring experience and can get you hooked up for hours and spoil your morning plans. Seeing those spam emails and newsletters are definitely not the things you want to deal with at any time in the day let alone the first thing in the morning. But they are there, nonetheless. Everyday you see them, everyday you resolute to get rid of them, but they are just so large in number that many of us have learned to live with them.
Unroll.me 1 400x254 Keep your Email Inbox clean with Unroll.me

How to display your Name in Windows Taskbar

With Windows, you can always customize the look and feel of your system. For instance, you can display a name of your choice in the Windows. Taskbar just adjacent to the digital time clock – just for the heck of it! Let us see how to go about.

Display Name in Taskbar

The tip may especially interest the younger set. This fun-tip will let you customize the alphabets appearing after the time numerals in the taskbarPut your name if you wish!
display name windows taskbar How to display your Name in Windows Taskbar

Saturday, 15 February 2014

BATExpert: Free Laptop Battery Monitoring Software for Windows 8 | 7

Laptops are an essential part of life for many of us. They travel with us to our work, school and sometimes even on vacation. But what if your laptop battery dies when you are on the go and are just unable to charge it?  The ability to use your laptop is limited by the amount of battery available when you are away from an outlet.

Laptop Battery Monitoring Software

Laptops need a proper care and maintenance and to tell you the truth batteries are one of the weak links in laptop computers. BATExpert is an application that helps users visualize the status of their laptop battery. It is a simple program and can be run on any type of laptop.batexpert BATExpert: Free Laptop Battery Monitoring Software for Windows 8 | 7

Friday, 14 February 2014

New software can fix broken links on the Internet

Researchers claim to have developed a new software that can fix 90 per cent of broken links in the web of data - provided the resources are still on the site's server.

Everyone knows the frustration of following a link to an interesting web site only to discover the target page is no longer there and to be presented with an error page, Iranian researchers said.

However, more frustrating and with wider implications for science, healthcare, industry and other areas is when machines communicate and expect to find specific resources that turn out to be missing or dislocated from their identifier.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Facebook Album Downloader: Download an entire Facebook Album easily

Facebook is one of the most popular social networking website presently. Despite being a ubiquitous platform for sharing photos on the web, Facebook still has a few crippled features. One very important feature missing from Facebook is a method to download entire photo albums. While one can always download the pictures from Facebook one by one, it certainly won’t be feasible when you want to download hundreds of your photos. Fortunately there are many third-party applications which can help you in this.

Download Facebook Album Photos

Facebook Album Downloader is such an easily accessible piece of software which helps you download entire photo albums from Facebook, with the least amount of effort. It is a Java-Based application with a user-friendly interface.
Use Facebook Albums Downloader
·         To use the Facebook Albums Downloader you first need the Facebook tokens which can be obtained by logging into your Facebook account using http://fad.eu5.org. The program then displays a long string of characters.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Create Desktop Shortcut to Disable, Enable Windows Firewall

Windows Firewall helps you to protect your PC from hackers and malicious software. It is a powerful tool that allows you to fine-tune the protection and notifications for different network profiles such as Home, Work, and Public. When you are connected to a public network like a library or a coffee shop, you may want to block all incoming connections for safety reasons. A Firewall safeguards your system against any uninvited trouble whether at home or at work.
If you need to disable or enable the Windows Firewall frequently, you may want to create a shortcut for it on your desktop instead of going all the way through the Control Panel. You may find this especially handy if you find the firewall obstructing any of your running tasks.
enable disable firewall Create Desktop Shortcut to Disable, Enable Windows Firewall

Disable Enable Windows Firewall desktop shortcut

Photopus, a speedy photo editing software for Windows

Photo editing is always amazing and full of excitement, but there is always a question in your mind regarding the best program that will fit your need? Many a times you may need to edit multiple images either for uploading to a social site or for some other purpose. So, will you edit these images individually? Perhaps No, because you have Photopus that allows you to perform batch image processing in a single operation.

Photo editing software

Photopus is a simple photo editing software for Windows 8 | 7, using which you can resize, convert, rename, add-effects and transform your images. It allows you to customize your image in an easy way. It comes with many filters, effects and adjustments that will raise the quality of your image. If you want, you can import an entire folder of photos and perform many operations. When using Photopus you have a straightforward control over the button, that can take some time to learn, but once you are used to it the end product will be great.
Features of the application:

Monday, 10 February 2014

XOLO launches Q1100 smartphone, priced at Rs 14,999

XOLO Q1100 comes with an 8 MP Auto Focus rear camera with BSI 2 sensor. (Courtesy: XOLO Website)

XOLO on Monday launched the Q1100 smartphone. Powered by a 1.4 GHz Quad Core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor with 1 GB RAM, the Q1100 runs on a smooth Android v4.3 Jelly Bean platform. It comes with a large 5-inch HD IPS display, with One Glass Solution (OGS) technology that makes the phone thinner, lighter and more touch responsive.
Fitted with a high performance Adreno 305 graphics engine, you can expect a lag-free gaming experience with overall good quality resolution and textures for any kind of mutlimedia experience. Users also get access to exclusive Snapdragon apps like Audio+, Qualcomm Quick Charge and Battery Guru. While Audio+ offers high quality audio, the Quick Charge feature charges a mobile up to 75 per cent faster than regular charging. Battery Guru, on the other hand, optimises battery life without stopping any apps or functionalities.

Remo MORE: Maintenance and Optimization freeware for Windows

Remo MORE is a free software, with a Modern UI, that provides ‘One Click Maintenance’ feature to clean up large chunks of junk files, fix different issues compromising PC performance and speed up your PC with a simple click. We have already see several free Windows Optimizers earlier. Today we will have a look at Remo MORE.
Remo freeware Remo MORE: Maintenance and Optimization freeware for Windows

Remo MORE for Windows

MORE stands for Maintenance, Optimize, Recover and Enhance – the first alphabet has been used. Each of these features has been reviewed below in short.
This module houses some handy tools to enhance the overall speed of a PC. The section includes tools like:

Create Shutdown, Restart, Log Off, Suspend Shortcuts on Windows Desktop

At times, we do feel the need of having a simple and easy way for accessing different Windows menus. One way is by using Keyboard Shortcuts to shut down Windows. Another way is by creating shortcuts for these menus. This tutorial will walk you through the process of creating shortcuts for various power option menus in Windows – shortcut to shut down, restart, log off and suspend your Windows computers easily.

Create SHUTDOWN shortcut

Right click on an empty area on your desktop. Select New > Shortcut.
In the first box of the Create Shortcut Wizard, type : Shutdown -s -t 00.
shutdown shortcut Create Shutdown, Restart, Log Off, Suspend Shortcuts on Windows Desktop

Saturday, 8 February 2014

What is an Archive?

Archives are files that contain other files. Typically the files in an archive are compressed, but does not have to be. Archives usually have file names ending with ZIP, ZIPX, LZH, LHA, GZ, or CAB, depending on how they were created. Archives make it easy to group files and make transporting and copying these files faster.
An archive typically contains file that are not used often. For example you might backup your old computer files into an archive for safe storage. It’s like packing household items into boxes with labels and storing them in your garage. You might want to use them in the future, but not right now.
An archive can also exist on a website or blog. This would contain previous content from the past and may be organised in categories or date sequence to ensure easy navigation.

How To Remove Shortcut Virus From Pen drive/Memory Card Simply Without Antivirus?

Many of us had and having this problem. We have some most important data in our  pen drives,  what  will we  do  if all  the  data are loss?  At  some day, all  the  folders which are in
our drive is just showing as shortcuts in Windows (as shown in the above figure).
     This problem may cause not only in pen drives, also in memory sticks, phone memories, external hard disks etc. If we trying to open those folders Windows will show an error that “Shortcut missing…!” We afraid of losing our data and somebody format the drive. But no need to afraid for this and format. Yes, this is a type of virus affection. Just follow the simple steps to remove that shortcuts and retrieve your folders back.

Add line numbers in Word 2013 Document

Line numbers find their potent use in research papers and other sources where they help you pick important points from the readings. Word 2013 has the feature built-in. One can use it and place at appropriate site in the article.

Add line numbers in Word

Besides adding, customizing the line numbering too is possible. It’s quick and easy! Assuming you have the document (to which you would like to add the line numbers) opened, head to the Page Layout tab of Word’s Ribbon interface and click ‘Line Numbers’.
Line Numbers option Add line numbers in Word 2013 Document
From the drop-down menu, select Line Numbering Options.

How to Share Large Files over the Internet?

To send files via email requires you to have an active email account with an email provider. This includes Gmail, YahooMail or HotMail. Below is a description of how to go about sending large files over the internet via email:
• When sending a file using Yahoo: Sign in to your account. Go to the ‘Applications’ link and you will find a feature to attach files. 100MB of data can be attached to your account for a maximum of 30 days.
• When sending a file using a Microsoft account: Sign in. You can use either HotMail or Windows Live ID to accessMicrosoft accounts of SkyDrive or Outlook. After a successful login, choose the file to be shared from your computer then indicate the recipients and click ‘Send’.
• When sending a file using Gmail: log into your account and click the ‘Drive’ link at the top of the page. Attach files by clicking the upload button; add addresses to share with then send.
To efficiently share files using internet, some points need to be put into consideration to make the experience safer and economical:

Thursday, 6 February 2014

How To Move Drivers From One Computer To Another

I do not recommend most other situations where you copy drivers from one computer to another. There are too many things which can go wrong. Copying all of the drivers from one computer to another computer, even if it has the same hardware and the same version of Windows, can break your computer so that it won’t even boot into safe mode.

The Easiest Way To Copy Drivers From One Computer To Another

If you manually installed the driver on the first computer, you may have the executable (.exe) file you used to install the driver. I always try to keep every installation program I use in a directory called Installers on my desktop so that I can easy reinstall programs if they start behaving weird. If you do something similar, you can copy the driver installer to the computer which needs it and run it.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

BUG: Expired transaction log backups may not be deleted by maintenance plan

A maintenance plan job to backup transaction logs may fail. The "Transaction Log Backup Job for DB Maintenance Plan 'DB Maintenance Plan1'" job history may show the following error message:

The job failed. The Job was invoked by Schedule 3 (Schedule 1). The last step to run was step 1 (Step 1).

The job step details history contains this error message:
sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.

If the Write history to the table msdb.dbo.sysdbmaintplan_history reporting option is selected the history of the plan contains an entry similar to:

Backup can not be performed on this database. This sub task is ignored