............ Have a nice day............
USER MENU ID IS UNDEFINED IN FINACLE MIS SERVER   Date of Implementation of "VERY GOOD" Bench Mark for MACPs effect from 25.07.2016   Expected DA from Jan 2017 – 3% or 2% ?    One minute talk time for each Rupee in Airtel Payments Bank   AICPIN for October 2016 : Chances for 5% DA from January 2017   Central Government employees retiring from January 2017 to submit online application   Pre-Budget Views of Govt. Employees for inclusion in the Budget for the Year 2017-18: Confederation i.e. Scrap NPS, Minimum Wage Rs. 26,000 & Fitment Formula etc   On Salary Week, Banks Unlikely to Meet Demand for Extra 1 Lakh Cr   82 per cent ATMs dry because government used that money to pay its own employees   National Anthem Before Movie, Rules Supreme Court. Citizens 'Duty-Bound' To Show Respect    undefined

Thursday, 8 December 2016


User Menu ID is undefined in Finacle MIS Server

An Error "User Menu ID is undefined" is coming while any command is given in Menu Shortcut at Finacle MIS Server. The error is looking like below screen shoot.

Solution :-
  • Delete Browsing History from Tool Menu of Internet Explorer.
  • Now Click on Tools in Right side of Internet Explorer and do the compatibility Setting.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Date of Implementation of "VERY GOOD" Bench Mark for MACPs effect from 25.07.2016

Expected DA from Jan 2017 – 3% or 2% ?

As per AICPIN release for October month we have computed expected DA from January 2017, this is only on assumption basis. AICPIN value may vary for November & December 2016.
Illustration 1:
In case AICPIN value more than 277 for Nov & Dec 2016, then Dearness Allowance from January 2017 will be 3%
Dec-162775.01 – 2.00 = 3% DA(Round Off)

Friday, 2 December 2016

One minute talk time for each Rupee in Airtel Payments Bank

Airtel Payments Bank on Friday announced additional benefits of depositing cash in their newly opened Payments Bank.
 “For every Rupee deposited in a Airtel Payments Bank savings account, customers will get one minute of talk time on their Airtel mobile number,” the company said.
“We are confident that this additional benefit along with the industry-best interest rate on deposits will encourage customers to open accounts with us and give a big boost to customer acquisition,” Shashi Arora, MD & CEO, Airtel Payments Bank said.
The company said any customer opening a savings account with Airtel Payments Bank, will get one minute of talk time  on his/her Airtel mobile for every Rupee deposited, however this will be applicable only for Airtel to Airtel mobile calling.

AICPIN for October 2016 : Chances for 5% DA from January 2017

Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) – October, 2016

No. 5/1/2016- CPI
DATED: 30th November, 2016
Press Release
Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) — October, 2016
The All-India CPI-IW for October, 2016 increased by 1 point and stood at 278(two hundred and seventy eight). On 1-month percentage change, it increased by (+) 0.36 per cent between September and October, 2016 when compared with the increase of (+) 1.13 per cent between the same two months a year ago.
The maximum upward pressure to the change in- current index came from Food group contributing (+) 1.01 percentage points to the total change. At item level, Rice, Wheat, Wheat Ana, Besan, Black Gram, Gram Dal, Poultry (Chicken), Milk (Buffalo & Cow), Brinjal, Cauliflower, French Bean, Lady’s Finger, Methi, Peas, Tomato, Cooking Gas, Petrol, Toilet Soap, Tailoring Charges, etc. are responsible for the increase in index. However, this increase was checked by Moong Dal, Urd Dal, Groundnut Oil, Fish Fresh, Apple, Banana, Potato, Electricity Charges, Soft Coke, etc., putting downward pressure on the index.

Central Government employees retiring from January 2017 to submit online application

DP&PW OM on Processing of Pension cases mandatorily through Bhavishya, Retiring employees to submit the online application w.e.f 01/01/2017

Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare has issued an OM regarding online system for processing Pension cases and filing of pension data online by retiring central government employees
No. 55/14/2014/P&PW(C)Part-1
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated: 29th November, 2016
Sub: Processing of Pension cases mandatorily through Bhavishya (Online Pension Sanction & Payment Tracking System) w.e.f 01/01/2017 – reg.
Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare is responsible for formulation of policy and coordination of matters relating to pension policy and welfare of Central Government pensioners. It has been seen that despite detailed guidelines and instructions to the contrary a large proportion of retiring employees do not get their retirement benefits and the Pension Payment Order(PPO) in time. It is likely that such retired employees find it difficult to get the process completed after retirement. The sanction process starts more than a year before the date of retirement and requires cooperation amongst various agencies. This department has, therefore, launched Bhavishya – an online pension sanction and payment tracking system. The system by keeping track of the progress of each case introduces transparency and accountability. Both the retiring employees as well as administrative authorities can monitor progress at each stage.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Pre-Budget Views of Govt. Employees for inclusion in the Budget for the Year 2017-18: Confederation i.e. Scrap NPS, Minimum Wage Rs. 26,000 & Fitment Formula etc

Pre-Budget Views of Govt. Employees for inclusion in the Budget for the Year 2017-18: Confederation i.e. Scrap NPS, Minimum Wage Rs. 26,000 & Fitment Formula etc

1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110001
Website: www.confederationhq.blogspot.com
Email: confederationhq@gmail.com

DATED - ....-12-2016

Shri. Arun Jaitley,
Hon’ble Finance Minister,
Government of India,
North Block, New Delhi -110001

Sub: - Submission of Pre-budget Views of Central Government employees for consideration and inclusion in the Central Budget for the year 2017-18 – Request – Regarding.

Respected Sir,

Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers is the umbrella organization comprising of various Unions/Associations/Federations of the Central Government employees. Central Government employees are the important segment of the society and contributing for the growth of this country through effective implementation of the policies of the Government of India. Hence, the views of this segment of important stakeholders, I submit, may also be heard and considered. With this request, this organization is bringing the following views for consideration by your good self, as a part of the pre-budget exercise to finalize the budget for the year 2017-18.

Issues of the Central Government employees:

On Salary Week, Banks Unlikely to Meet Demand for Extra 1 Lakh Cr

Lines in front of bank branches and ATMs are going to be even longer in the next few days. As salaries are likely to be credited in the accounts of employees, the rush to withdraw money to pay bills is going to increase manifold.
Even with multiple restrictions in place, people withdrew, on an average, Rs 12,742 crore everyday since 10 November. If past trends are any indication, the demand for cash increases by at least 5 percent in the first week of every month.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) data reviewed by The Quint shows that in the first week of August and September this year, total balance in current accounts held with all scheduled commercial banks dipped by nearly 5 percent in the first week only to recover in subsequent weeks.While a section of government employees has the benefit of getting a part of salary in cash, scores of others will depend on the banking channels to meet their demand.

82 per cent ATMs dry because government used that money to pay its own employees

The central government’s decision to pay its 42 lakh Group C and D employees Rs 10,000 each in cash has one shocking fallout: a whopping 1.66 lakh ATMs, 82 per cent of India’s total cash machines, could have used that money to ease the serpentine queues before them.
As November ended and salaries were supposed to be paid, the government decided to pay its Group C and D staff Rs 10,000 in cash to ease pressure on the banks, already reeling for more than three weeks after demonetisation was announced on November 8.
Pay Commission figures say Group C and D employees constitute nearly 89 per cent of the 47 lakh government employees. If each is paid Rs 10,000, the total payment in cash sucked out of the system comes to over Rs 4170 crores.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

National Anthem Before Movie, Rules Supreme Court. Citizens 'Duty-Bound' To Show Respect

The national anthem must be played in cinemas before movie screenings and all exits will be shut during that time, the Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday. The court stressed that everyone should rise for the anthem, with the national flag on the screen, because citizens "are duty-bound to show respect to the national anthem which is the symbol of the constitutional patriotism."

The idea, said the court, of "any different notion or the perception of individual rights...is constitutionally impermissible."

In a ruling that raised eyebrows, the court also said while the anthem is playing, all theatre exits should be closed - which instantly raised questions about emergencies like a fire. Lawyers say the movement of people in and out of the hall in the middle of the anthem is interpreted as disrespect.